pre laser jitters


New Member
my surgery is tomorrow morning @ 9:45! wow...i'm going to be able to see! i can soon read paragraphs!....what if something goes wrong? they quoted me that the odds of something going wrong in BOTH eyes is like 1 in 10 million...that's slightly comforting, eh? at a time but both tomorrow. the kids are outta town so it's a good time to be blind for a i'm off from work already.
Spirit said:
You'll be fine... I've known atleast a dozen people who have had it done successfully.
yeah? i only know one actual person. all the others are people's uncle's cousin's mailman kinda thing. i know tons of folks that are interested in the surgery and are waiting to hear about my experiences before they do it themselves. i'm sure everything will go well, from what i understand there isn't much margin for error and alot of the trouble comes from the way you heal or don't heal as the case may be.
i took my antibiotic drops like i was suppose to today. a dose before bed and the mornings dose is all that is left before the surgery.
i'm gonna see tomorrow :circle:
My wife is one of the paranoid waiters.

It should go well so relax & (decides not to post bad taste joke here)
it's totally bizarre that i am voluntarily getting eye surgery. eyeballs gross me out. it's one of the only thing that gets to me. i totally have no idea of the concept of this surgery now. i refuse to even entertain conversation about the procedure. afterwards, i will be interested, hell i'll even watch one of the surgeries (they show them in the lobby).
So your not getting that thing where they correct one eye
for close up and the other for far?
the procedure has gotten quite common over the years. the way it is done is pretty interesting.
i'm looking forward to the "i'm driving again" thread.
My ex brother in law was an opthamologist. He did lasik quite a bit. I had the chance to have it done for free. BUT i was a chicken shit. I did get to see it done numerous times though. It should be about a week or so when the itchyness goes away. LOTS of drops girl. keep them eyes moist.
yeah...i'm also getting silicon plugs in my drainage ducts so that the moisture will stay in. shoould last about 6 weeks.
AFAIK, you'll see small black dots in the night when you see light, however, that symptom will disappear with time.
I can't hear very well anymore, can't smell or taste anything that's not extreme but I can see like a hawk. I can't imagine having to have surgery done on the orbs. Seems *jitters* gross & scary.
Gonz said:
I can't hear very well anymore, can't smell or taste anything that's not extreme but I can see like a hawk. I can't imagine having to have surgery done on the orbs. Seems *jitters* gross & scary.

Scares the bajeebers outta me too...

I can't even touch my eye... so I can't even have contact lenses.

I find however that "fewer men make passes at women wearing glasses"... and me being the congenital terminal flirt I am... thats often a blessing! *shudder*

Its when I go out on a night without my bins that the real "fun" starts... :D :p :D

Oh... em.. Break a leg Tonks! You'll be fine! :hug:
ClaireBear said:
I find however that "fewer men make passes at women wearing glasses"... and me being the congenital terminal flirt I am... thats often a blessing! *shudder*

They're simply not "real" men. :evilcool:

[Joey] How you doin[/Joey]
A.B.Normal said:
They're simply not "real" men. :evilcool:

[Joey] How you doin[/Joey]

Yup... real men know that the uglier/fatter/more insecure the lady... the easier the lay! :p

Tis true tis true... veribly so!
ClaireBear said:
Yup... real men know that the uglier/fatter/more insecure the lady... the easier the lay! :p

Tis true tis true... veribly so!

And here I thought you were gonna be an easy toss,my bad.