prepare to be boarded...

:hmm: Bish, not everyone has their mind in the gutter.... Oh wait, yes they do. :mope:

Avast there mateys! Be ye a good pair'o pants, arrrrr????
BeardofPants said:
:hmm: Bish, not everyone has their mind in the gutter.... Oh wait, yes they do. :mope:

Avast there mateys! Be ye a good pair'o pants, arrrrr????

But it's so comfy down here in the gutters...I thought to have a BBQ down here and invite folx...we could have shishkarat and aligator pies an everything :D

BeardofPants said:
:hmm: Bish, not everyone has their mind in the gutter.... Oh wait, yes they do. :mope:

Avast there mateys! Be ye a good pair'o pants, arrrrr????

you were right the first time. now move your mind it is blocking my view