Prepare to throw-up in your mouth a little.

OK, this is just too creepy, the nonsense here is beyond me. I don't know what to say here.

Hopey Changey

A Tony award is immanent.

Obama musical set to open in Germany

BERLIN – A musical about Barack Obama's "Yes we can" election campaign premieres in Germany this weekend, including love songs by the president to his wife Michelle and duets with Hillary Clinton.

"I had the idea (for the musical) during the presidential campaign. ... It was fascinating and the mood at the time fired my imagination," American writer Randall Hitchins said in a news release provided by the organizers. "All the people were hoping for a change for a better life and there was such a great, collective emotion."

"The story starts 20 years ago, when Obama worked as a community organizer in Chicago, and leads all the way to the 2008 campaign," said Wilson.

Two other musicals about the president were performed in other countries last year: "Obama On My Mind" in London and "Obama: The Musical" in Nairobi, Kenya.

Don't look into his eyes.

Has anyone read the book "Rules for Radicals" a book by Saul Alinsky? I have read that it has heavily influenced Obama, and his slogans of "Hope and Change" and "Yes we can" are lifted right out of there.
Way back when someone here denied the possibility of that even to guess who scoffed at Ayer's pal influencing 0'Barry??
Has anyone read the book "Rules for Radicals" a book by Saul Alinsky? I have read that it has heavily influenced Obama, and his slogans of "Hope and Change" and "Yes we can" are lifted right out of there.

Been meaning to but time hasn't been my friend lately.
i've read enough about Alinski to understand his aims, they conflict with my value system. i'd rather spend my time practicing on Che targets.
If it's in the library, I'll find it eventually.
He'll (or his org) not get a dime of my money from buying it.
In the original edition, he dedicated his book to Satan.

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer

- Saul Alinsky