President Empathy

If we're givng "the people" what they want, then don't we have a few decades of law reversals?
Whew! That was close!

I was at least expecting some feigned outrage by ones who assume to be offended!

If we're givng "the people" what they want, then don't we have a few decades of law reversals?

okay, i get what you meant.

hmmm yeah right palestine voted for hamas eh?

there were plenty of people behind civil rights. you're saying that a clear majority of folks across the country were against that shit? you remember the 60s clearly? you ain't that much older than me is you?
I was born in the early 60's.

A majority didn't give a shit (as usual). Two pluralities fought it out. (as usual) Whcih one had the numbers, I don't know. Which one had the leadership is clear.
sometimes it applies. sometimes it doesn't.
