Pro or Con - Charitable tax status

Pro or Con - charitable tax status

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
What about Mr. Joel Osteen..the smiling televangelist?


Bish said:
Gato, there is a HUGE difference between the local church and the gargantuan organizations such as televangelists, and the rest of the organized $100M+ /year born-again clubs like Scientology.

Which is why I handed off to you to explain the workings.
I hate exemptions, I hate graduated tax scales, I hate special interests. Everyone and everything should pay a flat percentage. That would be true equal protection under the law.

Precisely why it'll never happen. To some, special treatment and handouts are a way of life. It ain't fair unless they get more than anybody else. Any proposed legislation that would eat into it will be shot down, most likely in a movement led by The Reverend and labelled liberally with the R word. (You know, the R word that ends with acist...) Not to say there aren't plenty of folks from all walks burning the system mind you. I just have a hunch about the who and the how of it being shot down.
I love when the poor & middle class yell & scream that the rich aren't paying their fair share & there should be a flat tax. It hurts us far more than it does them. I would be for it though (just not at some ridiculous amount like 17%, which I've heard)
Precisely why it'll never happen. To some, special treatment and handouts are a way of life. It ain't fair unless they get more than anybody else. Any proposed legislation that would eat into it will be shot down, most likely in a movement led by The Reverend and labelled liberally with the R word. (You know, the R word that ends with acist...) Not to say there aren't plenty of folks from all walks burning the system mind you. I just have a hunch about the who and the how of it being shot down.
Simpler times, my friend... simpler times.
I love when the poor & middle class yell & scream that the rich aren't paying their fair share & there should be a flat tax. It hurts us far more than it does them. I would be for it though (just not at some ridiculous amount like 17%, which I've heard)

I dunno dude. Add up all the taxes you pay...income, sales, property, wheel, all of it...and I bet it's higher than 17%. If it'd get rid of all the taxes, I'd jump at 17% in a heartbeat. As it is, we get taxed coming and going.
I believe the average tax rate per person after all of the imbedded stuff is factored in is well into the mid40s% if not over 50%.
Or something a little more drastic... but to spell it out would probably have the men in black knocking on my door within the hour.

Which is why I handed off to you to explain the workings.

Lakewood Church - the properity ministry. He's making huge waves with several million viewers/week. Telling people that God wants them to be prosperous (rich)..and God wants them to send a CQ or money order to....
He was on the top-10 most talked-about people with Barbara Walters. :shrug:

In either case...there's a HUGE difference between groups like his who buy stadiums, TV equipment, hire thousands, live in mansions and keep a chunk of their moneys and small churches who can barely pay their bills because they donate/use most of their money and time towards charitable endeavors. Unfortunatly, it's not just scale. If Televangelist groups used 70-80% of incoming funds to fund homeless shelters, women's shelters, food programs, suicide prevention hotlines etc... I'd have no issue with it.
I dunno dude. Add up all the taxes you pay...income, sales, property, wheel, all of it...and I bet it's higher than 17%. If it'd get rid of all the taxes, I'd jump at 17% in a heartbeat. As it is, we get taxed coming and going.

I'm under the impression that the 17% figure tossed around is exclusively INCOME tax. If it included all the other crap, then hell yea.