Problem #2745 in separation


Staff member
The father wants to take them on their next visit to something I find absolutely inappropriate, mostly for their ages (but I'll cop to finding it inappropriate societally too). WWE. The nekkidness, the chatter, language, sexual inferences and acts, the attitudes, the just plain fucked-upness of the whole thing. :blank:

There's diddly squat I can do about it.

It sucks.
they are a little young for such an occasion. i guess this is one of those times when you sit them down and explain that what they will see are people acting stupid for other peoples amusement and that intelligent people don't carry on like that on a day to day basis.
Its a man thing I guess...

Personally I find in abhorant too... but I've dated bokes who loved it.

As Tonks says its a perfect oportunity to discuss "suitable" bahaviour with the boys and about the "realities" of the show making sure they understand that if it were real those guys would be stretchered out or even buried!!!!

But they must go... its a father-son thing and to deprive them that would be detrimental.
I'm going to have to have some kind of a talk with them. I'm sure they'll have fun, and they'll know it's fake, but I just wish they weren't being exposed to skanky-ass boobs while doin it.
tonksy said:
they are a little young for such an occasion. i guess this is one of those times when you sit them down and explain that what they will see are people acting stupid for other peoples amusement and that intelligent people don't carry on like that on a day to day basis.

I agree. However, I would let daddy explain any questions about the boobies and other nekkidness. If they ask you, you can say, "well I am not sure why they were dressed like that as I do not watch WWE. Maybe your father can help you." Maybe he will answer the question like the adult he is sposed to be. If not, I am sure that you will be able to find an answer for your little ones.
freako104 said:
Les if they are in your custody why cant you say no or that you dont think it is appropriate?
because they will be in his custody and he has every right to take his children to the WWE. this is why les is upset. she really can't do anything but complain. loudly, i'd wager.
I replied to his email about it saying that I don't think it's appropriate for a 6 or a 9 year old, and even the 11 year old is iffy. And that's about the extent of what I can do about it.
Wrong. Supply a nail filled board to his tires when he shows up to collect the kids. I'll wager he doesn't have two spares.

Of course, applying the nail filled board to the back of his head would solve your problems much more permanently. My offer's still open.
Gas and meals. I'll supply the lumber. (you didn't really think I was gonna say "I'll bring the wood" didya?)
That's because you're not creative enough. Have your boys come up with the excuses. You know they're good at it. Exploit those resources.
Professur said:
Gas and meals. I'll supply the lumber. (you didn't really think I was gonna say "I'll bring the wood" didya?)
errrr...lumber isn't much better :lloyd:
Leslie said:
I replied to his email about it saying that I don't think it's appropriate for a 6 or a 9 year old, and even the 11 year old is iffy. And that's about the extent of what I can do about it.

He did not say anything back to you? damn. I thought since you had custody legally and he was visiting you had more of a say
Nope, legal custody is an entirely different animal that physical custody. While they are still married Les has physical custody. They still share legal custody until a judge takes that away, but that doesn't happen often. Even in situations where they shouldn't, the other parent usually maintains a portion of the legal custody.

Now, to the wwe thing, I feel for you Les, and just hope they aren't body slamming each other when they get back home.

we did do the court custody thing. I have sole custody. He has only visitation rights, nothing else. But still...I can't tell him what he can and can't do during his visits with his kids. It's legal, and generally accepted in some circles, so I'm just stuck with the crap.

I'm worried as much about the body slamming as I am about the whole new attitude towards women they're going to acquire.

I just gotta be more careful in my next life who I hook up with in the first place. :blank: