Problem #2745 in separation

Leslie said:
The father wants to take them on their next visit to something I find absolutely inappropriate, mostly for their ages (but I'll cop to finding it inappropriate societally too). WWE. The nekkidness, the chatter, language, sexual inferences and acts, the attitudes, the just plain fucked-upness of the whole thing. :blank:

Don't worry i used to watch that stuff all the time and i turned out alright.

er... wait a sec...DON'T LET THEM GO!!!
yeah, they went. :( and they've gone again since.

On Sunday he took them to learn crossbow shooting as it's such a necessary skill in 2005. :retard:
Leslie said:
yeah, they went. :( and they've gone again since.

On Sunday he took them to learn crossbow shooting as it's such a necessary skill in 2005. :retard:

When the Canadian government collapses due to the unending demands placed upon it by the citizens who bilk the system, those skills may mean the difference between venison, moose, or starvation. ;)
cause there will be still factories making whatever the fuck little arrows those things take, huh?
Leslie said:
yeah, they went. :( and they've gone again since.

On Sunday he took them to learn crossbow shooting as it's such a necesscary skill in 2005. :retard:

OK, the WWE thing was above their age appropriate range thing...but the crossbow thing...atleast he's spending time with them and taking them places instead of sitting them infront of one TV in his house while he watches another or something...and it's a hell of a lot better than him just not coming around at all.
Nixy said:
OK, the WWE thing was above their age appropriate range thing...but the crossbow thing...atleast he's spending time with them and taking them places instead of sitting them infront of one TV in his house while he watches another or something...and it's a hell of a lot better than him just not coming around at all.
that's why I told him, whatever, but I don't wanna hear about it. At least he's doin something. But GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
My son & I enjoy bows & arrows (he knows the difference between starvation & venison)
Leslie said:
cause there will be still factories making whatever the fuck little arrows those things take, huh?

Nope. But you'd be surprised what you can make out of wood and flint now-adays. :D :lloyd: