Prof's tattoo


Well-Known Member
Quite good work for just half an hour. Now I'm interested in seeing how Tonksy's kudzu came out.
Ask and you shall receive!

My tattooist got a phone call about the death of a frequent customer of many years while he was tattooing me. We decided to reschedule to finish so he could go home and deal. Poor dude.
I have an appointment for 2 weeks from yesterday to finish it up (finish the bug, the leaves, shading, and blending into the other tattoo).
BTW, the foot hurts like fuck.
No, Luis. That is a closeup of my foot. When it is all said and done it will be blended in with my lilly tattoo that wraps around my lower leg.
:eek: HOLY SHIT that's a lot of ink. Take 16 aspirin & call me in the morning.
LOL! I can't wait to get it completed.
There is still some touch up work to be done on the lillies but we were waiting until the kudzu to blend it all together.
Prof's looks great IRL. The colors are spot on to the avatar!
To really represent kudzu, it would have to completely cover your whole leg, and in five or six years the leg would have to be amputated.

Tonksy: Yours is pretty too. I guess I need to see Kudzu IRL to fully appreciate all the comments though.
Ya know, other than the yellow spot under the shroom's right eye I never noticed any yellow on the avatar before now.