One last time...
Note yo Spike: notice I added the caveat: if you don;t kill yourself (heroin). Most heroin OD's are from the variance of stregth of the street heroin, sometimes even cut with fentanyl (a common cause of OD). If heroin were legal and regulated the OD rate would be much smaller. It is a fact, herion is the least damaging drug of abuse in arena of physical damage.
About alcohol and pot:
alcohol is hydrophilic, meaning it permeates the cell walls of your entire body. It will enter the knee joint as well flow the BloodBrainBarrier In a matter of just hours, your body will remove the alcohol from you system and life goes on.
Pot is lipophilic and stored in the fatty tissues, your brain is 90% fat. The delta9 is stored in your brain and will continue to affect you cognitive abilities for an extended period of time. Yuo body may clean the blood, but you still have it stored in brain causing problems, specifically....
THe cognitive impairment from long term dope smoking is not as benign as you think it is, even if you smoke just a few joint a week.
THe hippocampus stores information for short term memory which is eventually transferred to long-term memory. The problem is that cannibinoids are structurally similar to anandamide, the neurotransmitter that captures your experiences as they occur and lay them into your short term memory in the hippocampus.
So when you flood your brain with delta9 huge chunks of you life go missing as the it interferes with process of capturing memory. You now have unrecoverable data of your own life that has been lost forever. -- And if you deny this fact, you're either kidding yourself or not from this planet.
THC also artificially stimulates a part of the brain called the amygdala which a region of the brain that assigns novelty or emotional significance to objects and ideas someone encounter in their environment. -- This is significant to you. Potheads always think they have some unnoticed internalized streak of brilliance, they are flattered by their ideas no matter how insane that thought might be.
While you might not feel high anymore, the fact is you still have some real hang-over problems; just like alcohol although it involves a different set of neuroreceptors.
Wwhen you drink booze, its the gabba receptors, with pot its the anandamide receptors that are affected. -- Again, you deny that you are negitively affected by this, .... you would be wrong.
It common knowledge that pot has a marked effect on motor function performance and complex task. This will last for at least several days for a casual user, much longer for a chronic user.
So may while you may not feel high are still suffering from the effects for an extended period of time. -- It explains your repaeting of "trolling", "making-shit-up" and consistent low levels of cognitive understanding in threads.
About meth -- the usual problem with long-term meth users is a reduction of neuro transmitter production; Dopamine, Serotonin and norepinephrine of those we know about. It takes up to ~6 months to recover production to pre-use levels. Although, sometimes people have long term issues due to damage to the alpha2 GABA receptors.
But feel free to repeat that
'alcohol is worse than pot therefore should be legal', ...because you would put to account that both pot and alcohol are worse than Heroin ...therefor heroine should be legal.
Again I'll repeat::::
they should all be legal, as far I'm concerned, ...
.providing the individuals accepts 100% of the responsibility of their actions. That means accepting the failures of life leaving you stupid, uncompetitive and hungry under some bridge dying of Hep-B or AID's..
Takes some time and reconcile the above facts.
Smoke pot, become Paris smart.