PT & Mirlyn Please check in

Good thing...otherwise I mighta had to call Best Buy and raise a little hell. :D
freako104 said:
some guy In KS lost his house. you guys are really lucky glad your ok. :)
Many more than just one, freak. ;) Many many more. Blocks of houses. Towns. They don't just take out a house here and there, they take out streets. ;)

The brunt was an hour or two east of here. We didn't even get rain. Parsons area and some of the KC 'burbs got it the worse.

By the way, I do have access in some classes. When I'm posting mid-day like this, I'm hard at work :p. Classes are in the morning, Work is afternoon/evening. Best Buy is weekends. I'd love to hear about that call, Q. I'd laugh so hard. :D
Here's one pic of KCK

Mirlyn said:
I'd love to hear about that call, Q. I'd laugh so hard. :D
I ain't skeered a no Best Buy Bigwigs. You prolly would have ended up with a nice fat raise when I was done with them. :D
Mirlyn said:
Many more than just one, freak.

i dont deny it but he was the only one mentioned on the news this morning. so that was the only one but if that happens to one house its safe to assume it happens to more
What the hell channel were you watching? ABC showed whole streets of houses LEVELED.
radio on the way to school. doesnt do much with the news just a mintue or two usually headlines. i dont watch the news til the evening when i have time
Man they just spotted another one about five miles from where I'm sitting right now. This shit can stop almost anytime!:eek:
Getting nasty here, too. Just in time for fucking rush hour. :mad:

Oh, well, I'm off to play in traffic. Pray for me.
Headlights on for safety! We'll be expecting you to check in when you get home, ya know!
My power lines were lying in my front lawn this morning. See if the electric co. has been there when I get there. Looks to be a swim rather than a drive though.