Public toilets


Err, do they charge money for them in your area? I know they do in the east such as Malaysia and Singapore, but I've never had that happen to me in Canada or the United States. And I've never used a public toilet in Europe. Middle East varies, but most upper class locations they don't charge you. South Africa is also free.
In New Jersey, There is a membership requirement to be allowed to access public toilets. As a member, you are also required to accomodate any other active member with access to your home toilet. You are given a decal which must be prominently displayed on the front of your house so that other members 'in need' will easily be able to identify an accessible toilet and find relief.... Failure to display the required decal will result in having your toilet priviledges revoked without a refund.
Squiggy said:
you are also required to accomodate any other active member with access to your home toilet. You are given a decal which must be prominently displayed on the front of your house so that other members 'in need' will easily be able to identify an accessible toilet and find relief.

that is too funny....

and scary too...:eek:
drkavnger99 said:
I know some truck stops do here in the US I found one on my way to chicago in Wisconsin!

that what? charge?
plenty of them around here.
I've never used a pay toilet. Scary thought to run across one when you REALLY need a toilet. Guess it's a good thing I'm a guy.:D
most places are free here... you get the odd place that charges - mainly at the big railway stations it seems. the ones that charge have always been dead nice inside too. i always got the impression it was a token charge that meant they could put gates on the things and stop tramps sleeping there.. :shrug:
pay??? for toilets ??? the farthest ive been from my little home on the east coast of canada is northern ontario, been down south as far as boston USA but ive never seen a toilet where ya have to pay, what happens if you pee with out paying? do they not let it go until you pay or something??? *shrugs*?(
They don't let you go in. Sometimes I wonder what they would do if you unzip, whip it out, and start pissing right there on the desk...