Pun help


New Member
So I have been tasked with coming up with a pithy and amusing saying to go on a wine bottle sticker (the kind you adhere directly over the label of a bottle of wine).
This is for the prizes for our dinner club's trivia. The theme is "Presidential Flashbacks" (think old election memorabilia meets patriotic decorations etc)

I wanted something punny with wine and presidents/elections. This is a prize so perhaps it should reflect that...but I guess it doesn't have to.

Here is a link to the sticker template:

I'm going through my library of old political slogans... Tippecanoe and Tyler too... We Polked 'em in '44, we'll Pierce 'em in '52... I like Ike... Nixon's the one... then trying to merge something like that with zinfandel, or maybe the Grapes of Rutherford (Hayes), or Vineyard Fillmore. Or maybe you can say red wine in a red state.
I am trying to come up with different polical terms:

Electorial college

I am a bit too tired to think about this tonight.
Are you saying you want a pun that sounds like one of those words? Or are you saying you want a pun that would include those words, like "Make this your primary beverage tonight" or "Wine: the official drink of higher education, from the Electoral College to Chattahoochee Tech" except actually funny?
Whatever name you decide on, you might want to remember the Surgeon General's warning that this wine is not meant for consumption by pregnant chads.
"Thunderbird. Its not just for breakfast anymore"

Oh, politics, I forgot.

"Boone's Farm. Aged longer than William Henry Harrison's entire term of office!"
Wade! That's not bad at all! What about if we changed goverment branches to defeated candidates?

Inky - That was just stream of consciousness flow of possible words to pun with.
A dry white whine with a dark uplifting aftertaste and a hint of flung washington mud thrown in for good measure.
Thanks, Wade!
