Question for Ku´u or Na´a

Originally posted by L. Summerton
You've got a little boy?

he not only has a little boy, he has the cutest little boy ever!

Steve - you have got to post a piccy of Ted ... I can scarce remember the color of his eyes, it seems forever since I've seen him last ...

dang .. I have got to stop watching "Pride and Prejudice"...
I believe you do, leslie.

I have to reinstall the camera software tonight anyway. I'll try to remeber to throw up a new pic.
*skimming through this thread*

I haven't seen this movie yet, but I want to. My one comment is about an interview that Tia Carrere did while promoting this movie.

She said that just because she lives in Hawaii, she's Hawaiian, and everyone who lives here is Hawaiian. I would like to correct her. Just because she lives here, that doesn't make her Hawaiian, it makes her local. There IS a difference. If I lived in Africa, that wouldn't make me African. If I lived in France, that wouldn't make me French. Just thought I'd clear that up :D
As requested, a new pic (about 4 days old). He REALLY wanted the camera in this one.


Dscf0015.jpg, 76.61kb

oh, he is sweet! :love: And he is teething! :D

Here are mine - V1.0, age 8


zachatbeach2.JPG, 43.35kb

Wasaga Beach, a provincial park/town about 45 minutes away. It's the longest freshwater beach in the *blank* world? North America? I'll have to look.

We're originally from the next town, Collingwood, a HUGE tourist area. It was that busy as it was the Sunday of the long weekend. Not usually that bad.
thanks HomeLAN .. he is just the cutest ever!

Les - you've got great looking kids .. I need to take some pics of my skittles and show them off too ... I think I'll do that tonight :)
I'm such a loser .. I took the digital camera home but the battery was dead .. and of course, since I wanted to take pictures, I didn't bother to bring the charger home :(

But I am charging it right now and I'll take piccys of them tonight :)
Na, that MP3 of 'Kiss the Girl' is 2.64 megabytes... I can send it to you now if you want. If so, PM me with your email addy.

Good looking kids, leslie.

GF, that link is just showing the site banner. Which shot did you mean?
Originally posted by ris
wallace and gromit rules!
the wrong tousers is the best one :D

Oh, that's my favorite. I love the scene where Gromit falls through the floor into the chair and gets hit in the face with the jelly. That little moment when he realizes what's about to happen is priceless. His eyebrow lifts and you can see him thinking, "no toast..." :laugh: