Question for Ku´u or Na´a

Originally posted by nalani
dang .. I have got to stop watching "Pride and Prejudice"...

Why? You're referring to the A&E/BBC version, I hope? My wife has watched it umpteen hundred times, so I've seen it quite a bit myself. I don't usually like to watch movies over and over again, but it's one of the few that I can tolerate with equanimity. We already had it on tape, and just got the DVD. I've been in love with Lizzy since I read the book as a teen, and I thought Jennifer Ehle played her perfectly. The whole cast was fantastic. (English actors really are better than American ones on the whole, but don't tell Ris I admitted it.)
My kids

These were taken back in March. Anna is 6 yrs old now, and Levi is 14 mos....



macclay01.jpg, 124.04kb

Just for the record, a friend went yesterday to watch the movie, and she told me this:
gf - thanks girl! I'll PM you my email addy directly :)

Ardsgaine - yes, I have the A&E BBC version both on video tape and DVD ... I too have loved the book since I first read it when I was 10 and I must admit, I was in love with Mr. Darcy for just as long myself :) My aunt and I have "discussions" about the characters, the book in comparison with the movie, and so on ... she too is a huge fan and when I bought the DVDs, I picked her up a set as well ...

When I watch it too much I begin to write and talk in that fashion .. things like "I am quite vexed!" and "I have resigned to think on this no longer" :D But I do love the movie .. I just have to stop watching it so much sometimes :D

Luis .. your friend, I fear, has very little taste, I'm afraid, and I'm quite vexed at her reaction

by the way, you have some great looking kids there :)

We took some piccys last night so I'll post them in a bit ...
Originally posted by nalani
when I bought the DVDs, I picked her up a set as well ...

We violated our rule about purchasing DVDs to get that one. We weren't going to replace any VHS movies until they were broken or worn out.

When I watch it too much I begin to write and talk in that fashion .. things like "I am quite vexed!" and "I have resigned to think on this no longer"

Hahah. That's me. I do that any time I immerse myself in period books or movies. I also have a bad habit of using English spellings for words: humour, colour, etc.

Have you ever heard of Patrick O'Brian? I've been reading his Aubrey/Maturin series quite a bit, which I've picked up a lot expressions from it, for all love. You should check it out. It's about an English sea captain during the Napoleonic Wars. I recall someone describing it as Jane Austen at sea, but I think it's a bit more than that. In the one I'm reading now, I believe they're going to end up in the Hawaiian islands.
OOOHHHHH... I think I'll go to Borders tonight and see if I can get it ... it sounds great! Do you know if anyone's made a film of it yet?
Originally posted by nalani
OOOHHHHH... I think I'll go to Borders tonight and see if I can get it ... it sounds great! Do you know if anyone's made a film of it yet?

Oh-oh... I should've warned you, it's not an 'it', it's a them. It's a 20-book series. The first book in the series is Master and Commander. I'm on #15, The Truelove. You might not think so after reading just the first one, but definitely by the second book they begin to be addictive, so be forewarned.

I'm not sure if anyone could ever make a movie, or even a series of movies, out of the books. I don't know if the pacing of the books could be translated into a movie: long literary passages broken by brief interludes of violent warfare. I don't know if Hollywood would know what to do with it. They would probably want to cut the literary stuff and make it an action pic.
just wanted to post this to say thanx for mentiong all those movies guys. it brought back many memories of when i was a kid and loved all those movies(still do in some cases) also it made me realise how bad some of my current faves are(i tend to like chessy movies like evil dead nightmare on elm street and such) oh and to les,homelan,and i cant remember who else put up their kids pic(im sorry that once again i wasnt exactly paying attention to names of who posted) but your kids are beautiful. and prof for your post: awwwwwwwwww. rock on everyone!!