question from a love-sick puppy.

to sam, and everyone else:
let this just be a life lesson to everyone...

never hesitate to let someone know what you feel for them...
for there's no rule which states we can't leave at any seemingly random moment...

i am very sorry to hear that, sam.
a13antichrist said:
Oh and drunk driver in the middle of the afternoon? I mean I know it's possible, but come on...

One of my friends was killed by a drunk driver at 9 am.

Sam, my condolences. All I can really say is I've been there before, and nobody could ever be as right as ash is with her post.
I and Justin give our most heartfelt condolences, very sorry to hear of your loss and wish you the best of luck coping with it.

ohh Im soo sorry man, I just broke up with my girlfriend of 1 year and 3 months.. that was the longest I ahve ever gone out wiht 1 girl.. (im 18) and I dont know what to do wiht my self, I loved her soo much and now shse gone, I know this doesnt compare to what you lost.. but I do understand what it would be like. im sorry man. :(
omfg, sorry to hear about that sam.

a13, you sadistic worm, you don't joke about shit like this
I am so sorry Sam

I can't even imagine the pain you must be going through.

damn sam. im so sorry. i hope your allright. just remember we are all here for you if you need us. and love is a beautiful thing so i hope you foind it again soon with someone wholl be perfect for you. ash you are absolutly right. thanks for saying that :hug:
If Tomorrow Never Comes...
if i knew it would be the last time thats i'd see u fall asleep, i would tuck you in tighter and pray the lord, ur soul to keep. if i knew it would be the last time i would see you walk out the door, i would give u a hug and kiss and call u back for 1 more. if i knew it would be the last time i'd hear ur voice lifted up in praise, i would video each action and word, so i could play them back day after day. if i knew it would be the last time, i could spar an extra minute or 2 to stop and say love u, insted of assuming u would KNOW i do. if i knew it would be the last time i would share ur day, well im sure u'll have many more so i can let jus one slip away. for surely there's always a tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make every thing right. there will always be another day to say our, "i love u's," and certainly there's another chance to say our. "anything i can do's?" but jus in case I might be wrong, and today is all i get, i'd like to say how much i love u and i hope we never forget. tomorrow is not promised to any1, young or old alike, and today may be the last chance you get to hold ur loved 1 tight. so if ur waiting 4 tomorrow, why not do it today? 4 tomorrow never comes, u'll surely regret the day, that u didn't take that extra time 4 a smile, a hug, or a kiss and you were too busy to grant some1, what turned out to be their 1 last wish. so always hold them dear. take the time to say i'm sorry, please forgive me, thank u, or its ok. and if tomorrow never comes, u'll have no regrets about today
OMG.... I am sooooooo sorry. I dunno what it feels like and I dont want to know. Hang tight. Everything happens for a reason, unfortunatly THIS had to happen. That really sux. We here for ya! :crying5: :grumpy: :( :disgust2:
i want to say "THANK YOU ALL" for your kind words and support. i've learned to go about things diffrently now, especially with my family. i make it a point to tell them i love them before i leave or get off they telly with them. because you never know, they might not be there tomorrow to tell them you love them when you wished you had. some day i'll get to see her, whether it be in another life or heaven, and tell her how i felt.

honestly i didn't want to come back to this thread..i just didn't want to read it again.


I learned that when my brother died. Don't ever expect life to give you a second chance. You gotta grab the brass ring while the iron's hot, as it were.

and Pt, you musta burned a shit load of karma on this one. I'd drop a fistfull of coins in the nearest fountain if I were you.
If you think about it, PT was telling him the exact same thing. He didn't wish this to happen. He was telling Sam that these things could happen. It was a tragic coincidence that it actually did happen. But I can't fault PT...

My condolences Sam...
i learnd that in first grade when my best friend drowned. thats why friends or family always keep them close and love them. boy scout and rooney dont be ashamed to be empathetic. its a good quality and you shouldnt be sorry. it shows you care mate.