
tank girl said:
Do you think it is better to get married young and start a family or wait and work, build a career and travel and go out with different people until you find someone compatible enough with your choice.

In some respects I think it is better to settle with someone you are happy with and take the chance while it is there in front of you.

But then if you place importance on your career and stuff first - then I feel you have the chance of acheiving things and doing what you want to do, being 'independent' but risk (from a female perspective) missing out on what are the most fertile and healthy years of your child-bearing life...

I'm interested in what you think is better...

IMO, traveling, independence and acomplishments are not mutually exclusive with commitment and marriage.

Hell, I'm the type of person that loves sharing everything I accomplish and having company when I travel. What better than sharing that with the person you love? Many see marriage as a limitation of independence, I see the complete opposite.
Brave perhaps, but more so naive trusting and to a fault a sweet person to her core.

I could never be 'too' mean to someone like that.

OK who am I kidding I’ve never been mean to her.
Luis G said:
IMO, traveling, independence and acomplishments are not mutually exclusive with commitment and marriage.

Hell, I'm the type of person that loves sharing everything I accomplish and having company when I travel. What better than sharing that with the person you love? Many see marriage as a limitation of independence, I see the complete opposite.

With the right person; I agree - in fact the most attractive potential partners to me are the ones in the terms of expanding the horizons of one another - that is the ideal partnership for me - one where you never stop learning from and challenging one another.

To me however it seems too often the wrong people get together and the result is just that - a limitation of independence; simply because both individuals are incapable or ignorant to the liberating benefit the supporting and challenging of the growth of the other can have for a relationship.
Winky said:
Brave perhaps, but more so naive trusting and to a fault a sweet person to her core.

I could never be 'too' mean to someone like that.

OK who am I kidding I’ve never been mean to her.

awwwwwwww always knew you were a softie at heart, winky ;)
When it comes to her

but then if you really hurt someone you really love
then there would have to be something SERIOUSLY
wrong wouldn't there?
tank girl said:
12 with the IQ of a 25 year old ? - now that would be cool :brow:

I've yet to meet any 20 year old that shares the same intellectual capacity that I do :p

The depth of your ignorance is truly astounding. Intellectual capacity indeed!
1. IQ has nothing whatsoever to do with age.
2. Intellectual capacity has nothing whatsoever to do with age.
Clearly, you have no understanding what either phrase means.

How can you not be embarrassed? In these two statements you have showed that you are appallingly naive and have no idea at all what you are talking about. I suggest that you look up both "intelligence quotient" and "intellectual capacity" and learn what they do mean. Perhaps you can avoid making a fool of yourself on another board. Oh, and just a suggestion; If you are going to try to pass yourself off as someone of intelligence, you should learn grammar. Sorry TG, but I can't seriously believe it's possible for someone to have lived twenty years anywhere and be as immature and lacking in all social skills as you are. You'll never convince me you're a day over twelve.
tank girl said:
To me however it seems too often the wrong people get together and the result is just that - a limitation of independence; simply because both individuals are incapable or ignorant to the liberating benefit the supporting and challenging of the growth of the other can have for a relationship.

It's amazing how much more expensive 5 seats on the airplane are than 2.
chcr said:
The depth of your ignorance is truly astounding. Intellectual capacity indeed!
1. IQ has nothing whatsoever to do with age.
2. Intellectual capacity has nothing whatsoever to do with age.
Clearly, you have no understanding what either phrase means.

How can you not be embarrassed? In these two statements you have showed that you are appallingly naive and have no idea at all what you are talking about. I suggest that you look up both "intelligence quotient" and "intellectual capacity" and learn what they do mean. Perhaps you can avoid making a fool of yourself on another board. Oh, and just a suggestion; If you are going to try to pass yourself off as someone of intelligence, you should learn grammar. Sorry TG, but I can't seriously believe it's possible for someone to have lived twenty years anywhere and be as immature and lacking in all social skills as you are. You'll never convince me you're a day over twelve.

blah blah blah, okay.

Grammar doesn't bother me - especially on a discussion board where most of the opinions don't deserve justice to be taken seriously enough to put effort int spelling and grammar anyhow - last time I checked this is not an examination, not a publication - just a meeting of minds. And to be honest -
I have little or no regard to what people think of me here simply because this is has no effect on who I really am in real life and how I deal with people - two different spheres, if you will. This is more - an experiment if anything and I am more than happy just to participate.

To me it doesn't make sense to have a conversation in reality with someone and specify where I dot all my i's and specify whether capitals are needed therefore it doesn't make sense to me here. :shrug: I'm not writing professionally or for the public eye so I don't expect to be taken seriously or judged according to those standards...

I am actually glad to make mistakes and to continue to be criticised about them because I actually am learning a great deal in here. I'm not perfect and thats the last thing I want to be - I am also not embarrased because franky I see little or no parellel with this board and reality apart from the fact it is a virtual extension of conversation in a way that allows you to choose what and where you want to talk and and what about.

I see no correlation between intelligence and grammar or spelling - to me intelligence is varied and I know I have it, I know I have a different aspect of it and definately not in the straightfoward logical capacity that most people tend to agree is the standard conception of what IQ means. In fact, if I had to specify exactly what IQ I excelled at it would be the emotional IQ - even though I have little or no faith in the IQ system at all because I don't believe that intelligence is something that can be adequately measured...
If you find that funny - maybe.
But then thats just one perspective.

Intelligence doesn't lie in accuracy or logic although you can be intelligently accurate or intelligently logical - thats the most common is it not?

Intelligence also lies in ideas - in testing existing boundaries and general common sense - in asking questions about the things around you.

Therefore, to me spelling and grammar has nothing to do with intelligence. It may not be for you - but for me Intelligence has more to do with ideas than simply trying to adhere to the established codes of a given order.
tank girl said:
blah blah blah, okay.
Ahh, your rapier-like wit has cut me to the quick...

I was actually trying to point out that your lack of knowledge and experience leaves you sounding like a fool. If you're going to try to pass yourself off as something you're not, you need to stop posting that which clearly shows your lack of understanding on a given subject. Just friendly advice, nothing more. I won't "waste your precious time" with any more of it.

Finally, I feel I must point out that things mean what they mean, regardless of the meanings you make up for them. Making up your own definitions for accepted terms shows lack of intelligence, not the reverse. The temper tantrum-like diatribe does show your incredible "emotional IQ," whatever you think that means. :lloyd:
I met my "X" at 18, we moved in together 2 weeks after meeting each other. BIG MISTAKE!!! But all lives and learns. Then we got married when I was 22, him 24. YES, I could have and should have waited.... BUT, I didn't. Things work out in life for a reason...I feel everyone has a destiny in life, and mine happened the way it did, I have 2 beautiful boyz and I would not trade them for anything. I've learned alot through the years of being married.
So, If you feel its right for you, then do it. But, If you want to have a career then go for it, if you want to get married then go for it, but make sure whatever your choice in life is-YOUR GONNA BE HAPPY WITH IT!!! No-one can make you happy unless your happy for yourself.