questions on substance abuse ...


Well-Known Member
In November, me, my daughter and my son (the younger skittles) will be attending WIPCE (World Indigenous Conference on Education) in Hamilton, Aotearoa (aka, New Zealand). A part of our trip is to have a youth exchange on topics such as Native Languages and the affects on our youth due to substance abuse (of family members, friends, selves, etc). In order to 'focus' our kids on the subject, I need to come up with a kind of questionaire for them - to get them thinking and I need some suggestions on how to approach the topic, i.e., what kinds of questions to ask. I've been thinking about my own children who could, sadly enough, write an entire book on the subject. But there are some kids in the group whom, I don't think, have had any *real* exposure. Suggestions?
You're going to Hamilton?! :eek: But... but ... that's the arsehole of New Zealand. ;)

Okay, no helpful comments from me, sorry, I just wanted to make fun of Hamilton. :grinyes:
I guess starting with the basics. What are the signs and symptoms of abuse? How do you know if you have a problem? What are the physical affects of the most common drugs? What are the penalties to using/possessing? What are the most common "reasons" people do drugs? How does it affect other things in their lives like schoolwork, family, personality changes? What are some organizations to learn about or help stop abuse? Is substance abuse hereditary? Are children of abusers more likely to become abusers themselves? What if they suspect their parents, sibling, friend has a problem?

...that's all I can come up with for now. :)
Make it hit home. Make it real to them...something that could happen, not just an abstract concept.

*Have you ever tasted alcohol?
*Do your parents drink alcohol?
*Have you even seen someone who you would consider "drunk"? What did they act like? What did their speech sound like? Did they walk/move differently?
*Is it OK to "just smoke pot"? Why or why not?
*What is a "club drug"?
*What is the "date rape drug"?
*Would you date someone who drank alcohol when you were around? Not around? Took drugs (same two scenarios)?
*Do people with substance abuse issues have any hope of being good parents? Good employees? Good citizens? Why or why not?
*How many times does the typical methamphetamine user take the drug before getting addicted? (Answer: once)
*Do you know what pot looks like?
*Do you think that musicians, actors, athletes or other well known people who talk about or even openly admit using drugs are admirable? Why or ahy not?
*Is drinking beer worse than smoking pot?
*Is it OK to experiment with drugs when you're young as long as you don't get "hooked"?
*If you discovered tomorrow that your grandmother was once an alcoholic, but has recovered completely, would this affect your opinion of her? How?
Man...I was hoping it would be Hamilton and my sis could hang out :(
SouthernN'Proud said:
Make it hit home. Make it real to them...something that could happen, not just an abstract concept.

*Have you ever tasted alcohol?
*Do your parents drink alcohol?
*Have you even seen someone who you would consider "drunk"? What did they act like? What did their speech sound like? Did they walk/move differently?
*Is it OK to "just smoke pot"? Why or why not?
*What is a "club drug"?
*What is the "date rape drug"?
*Would you date someone who drank alcohol when you were around? Not around? Took drugs (same two scenarios)?
*Do people with substance abuse issues have any hope of being good parents? Good employees? Good citizens? Why or why not?
*How many times does the typical methamphetamine user take the drug before getting addicted? (Answer: once)
*Do you know what pot looks like?
*Do you think that musicians, actors, athletes or other well known people who talk about or even openly admit using drugs are admirable? Why or ahy not?
*Is drinking beer worse than smoking pot?
*Is it OK to experiment with drugs when you're young as long as you don't get "hooked"?
*If you discovered tomorrow that your grandmother was once an alcoholic, but has recovered completely, would this affect your opinion of her? How?
What he said.
Don't totally traumatize them though. That's good for prevention, but they should also know what to do if someone else they know has a problem rather than just running from them. Make them aware that there is help, and if the person who has the problem won't do it themself, make sure they get it anyways. Lives can be turned around, my best friend at work and my next door neighbor can attest to that, but they usually can't be done alone.
ooohh .. some of these suggestions are dead on .. the age ranges are 10 - 15 and many of them have major exposure to substance abuse in their families (like my children). I'm trying to not make it so 'schooly' but instead more 'personal'. Greenie, a lot of your suggestions are so great .. I'm definitely gonna use them .. Yours too, Southern.

Thanks gang .. keep the suggestions coming.
You might as well bring in some of the less talked about forms of substance abuse such as huffing and glue-sniffing. There's more pf a prevalance of that amongst the youth than there is of alcohol abuse, or pot-smoking..
That varies by locale. Here the problem is meth. Just over the line in NC, it's club drugs. In other areas, it might be huffing.
rrfield said:
I'm guessing more junior high kids have sniffed glue than have done meth.

Well...considering that the qualities in glue have been changed since the 1950's just so it wouldn't get you high, let them sniff. :shrug:
Oh, ok. That's how my brother got started on his lifetime of abuse.

My friends and I only tried that with Redi-Whip. We could get it to work so we ate the whipped cream with some pie instead. :D
Gato_Solo said:
Well...considering that the qualities in glue have been changed since the 1950's just so it wouldn't get you high, let them sniff. :shrug:
They use solvents now... glue-thinners.
It's a huge issue among the Innu, with kids starting as young as 5!