quitting is for christians

Oh, and for the record...

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to tonksy again.

Gotholic does not bother me as he seems to bother others. I see the points made by both him and those who debate with him, and quite frankly these debates are fodder for my thoughts. But I do applaud tonks for the way she handled this delicate discussion. Cheers to ya!
SouthernN'Proud said:
Oh, and for the record...

Gotholic does not bother me as he seems to bother others. I see the points made by both him and those who debate with him, and quite frankly these debates are fodder for my thoughts. But I do applaud tonks for the way she handled this delicate discussion. Cheers to ya!

Yep, and at least Tonk's prays for forgiveness. I live in sin with the BF (5 years now) and I'm one of those god-awful godless atheists that you keep reading about. ;)
Starya said:
Hang on.. Ya only have to give it up for 40 days?

Yeah, I'm not good at paying attention..

it's 40 days not including Sundays...so really it's more than 40 days...
tonksy said:
I never had a respite on sundays...

Oh no...you don't get to cheat on Sundays...but if you add up the days between Ash Wednesday and the Saturday before Easter Sunday it's more than 40 days. Something about Sundays being a holy day anyway it doesn't count in the number of days counted...but you still don't get to cheat.
Ah, my research says that traditionally lent was giving up meat AND only eatting one meal on everyday other than Sundays...Sundays you could eat but no meat. So, the 40 days of lent were only counted as the days you were fasting (or only have one meal) but you couldn't have meat at all during that time.
Nixy said:
Ah, my research says that traditionally lent was giving up meat AND only eatting one meal on everyday other than Sundays...Sundays you could eat but no meat. So, the 40 days of lent were only counted as the days you were fasting (or only have one meal) but you couldn't have meat at all during that time.
Hich explains why I can't stand fish sticks. :lol:
Out of curiosity, is there are a particular food y'all gorge on for Fat Tuesday? In the islands, it's maladas - a portuguese donut without a hole (portuguese jokes around here are like those pollack jokes in the mainland ... hence, the donut without a hole thing). On Fat Tuesdays, there are malasada stands everywhere.
nalani said:
Out of curiosity, is there are a particular food y'all gorge on for Fat Tuesday? In the islands, it's maladas - a portuguese donut without a hole (portuguese jokes around here are like those pollack jokes in the mainland ... hence, the donut without a hole thing). On Fat Tuesdays, there are malasada stands everywhere.

paul_valaru said:
I jsut learnt that one today...pancakes?

You're suppose to use up all the fat/grease in the house before lent (traditionally)...so people cook pancakes (funny thing is I don't even use grease when I cook my pancakes...)
nalani said:
Out of curiosity, is there are a particular food y'all gorge on for Fat Tuesday? In the islands, it's maladas - a portuguese donut without a hole (portuguese jokes around here are like those pollack jokes in the mainland ... hence, the donut without a hole thing). On Fat Tuesdays, there are malasada stands everywhere.
Over here the proper thing to eat is salted meat with mashed rudabaga. And peasoup. Personally, I love salted meat and mashed rudabaga, but no way do I bother cooking this on a tuesday, so we may have this on sunday instead.
nalani said:
Out of curiosity, is there are a particular food y'all gorge on for Fat Tuesday? In the islands, it's maladas - a portuguese donut without a hole (portuguese jokes around here are like those pollack jokes in the mainland ... hence, the donut without a hole thing). On Fat Tuesdays, there are malasada stands everywhere.
Beer! :toast: Although I didn't.