R.I.P. Terri Shiavo

The Execution has been carried out. May she rest in peace.

Her "guardian" wouldn't even let her family in for her last moments.

What a monster. What goes around comes around.
Judge Greer can now begin being charged with murder. Michael can be charged as an accessory before, during & aftr the fact.
Gonz said:
Judge Greer can now begin being charged with murder. Michael can be charged as an accessory before, during & aftr the fact.
Right along with every other judge who didn't go far enough to protect her, toss in Jeb Bush and dubya while you're at it...and the doctors who studied her etc etc...

RIP Terri Schaivo

The legal battle continues though...where will she be buried, will she be creamated or buried etc etc...who can claim her remains?
Rest In Peace Terri.... :crying4:

May God give you the his tears to cure your thirst...... :crying4:
Ding-Dong the jello heads' dead!

Let the autopsy and the book deals begin, yippeee!
Winky said:
Ding-Dong the jello heads' dead!
that is one of the more crasser statments i've had the misfortune to read.

Gonz said:
Judge Greer can now begin being charged with murder. Michael can be charged as an accessory before, during & aftr the fact.
you cant possibly by serious.....

while it is sad that she died, i'm happy for her in that her suffering is finally over. she should have died 15 years ago but sometimes doctors can be too good or too determined to give up when they should.
i watched the videos on her parents website. i read the discharge summary from the hospital. this poor woman was never coming back.
i havent taken care of a lot of people like Terri, but the few that i have has shown me that there is absolutly no way in hell that i would want to "live" like that.
rest in peace Terri
I couldn't have cared one wit about a woman that died
15 years ago.

What irked the hell outta me was (is) the tens of millions
of Americans that DO seem to have a need to pontificate
about this issue.

C'Mon people I mean Jeez!

Even ol Spotty sez she was all over at the outset.
Winky said:
Ding-Dong the jello heads' dead!
Let the autopsy and the book deals begin, yippeee!

Winky....PLEASE tell me your not heartless...... :alienhuh:
Sure she was braindead (so all says-until the autopsy) but to call her a jello head, thats heartless in my opinion....
Spot said:
while it is sad that she died, i'm happy for her in that her suffering is finally over. she should have died 15 years ago but sometimes doctors can be too good or too determined to give up when they should.

My thoughts exactly. I think that instead of browbeating a man for having the courage to follow what he felt would be the wishes of his wife, we sould all look to our own, and make sure those wills, living wills, and DNR certificats are in order. I've made sure mine are legal.

No extraordinary effort made to save my life. No life support beyond one month. And my wife has absolute and final say in all matters.
She will not suffer anymore. that is a good thing. I will admit I was suspicious of Michael but I think he did the right thing. Also the paper here said he allowed a priest to give her the last rights or something
Spot said:
sometimes doctors can be too good or too determined to give up when they should.

Wanna talk about heartless. Dead is better than alive??? What business are you in again, because you may want to rethink it. Tis better to be dead than...fill in the blank.

Professur said:
instead of browbeating a man for having the courage to follow what he felt would be the wishes of his wife,

For the first half a decade, before he had kids with another woman, he wasn't sure what her wishes were. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, he recalls, with perfect clarity, "she wants to die"?

This is a unique case, with unique conditions, that's why people, save the permanent right to live crowd, have come out in force. The more people learn about the case, the more they tend to side on the side of life.
I just wish the right to life "wacko" part hadn't come out.
It make the regular people that supported it look bad. :(
Gonz said:
Wanna talk about heartless. Dead is better than alive??? What business are you in again, because you may want to rethink it. Tis better to be dead than...fill in the blank.

Really, Gonz? Never put down a dog that's suffering? Better to live in pain than die? Gonz, you're a christian, aren't you? Tell me what you think the soul's doing when the body's like that? That single thought makes me shudder in horror.

For the first half a decade, before he had kids with another woman, he wasn't sure what her wishes were. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, he recalls, with perfect clarity, "she wants to die"?

Did he say that?

This is a unique case, with unique conditions, that's why people, save the permanent right to live crowd, have come out in force. The more people learn about the case, the more they tend to side on the side of life.

The more people learn about it? Gonz, you more than anyone know the perversions perpetrated by the media. Noone who hasn't lived for 15 years with this will have an opinion worth shit. Their opinion is based on a few photos, and some words spoken by someone with an agenda. Be it the husband, (who wants what he wants) the parents, (who want what they want) the politicians, (who want what they want) the judges, (who want what they want), the activists, (who want what they want), or the media (who want what they want). Personally, I'll have the good grace to not try and inflict my personal opinion on others.
Professur said:
Really, Gonz? Never put down a dog that's suffering? Better to live in pain than die? Gonz, you're a christian, aren't you? Tell me what you think the soul's doing when the body's like that? That single thought makes me shudder in horror.
They said she wasn't in pain, and some said she couldn't feel pain.
I dunno. If she was indeed in pain I might rethink my position, I don't know.

My dad is in constant, terrible pain, missing a leg, hands crumpled up so bad
he can't hold a hair brush even, but his mind is halfway ok, but he gets
spacey sometimes (from all the morphine I guess). He says he's ready to go
any time, but he doesn't want to be starved/dehydrated to death.
He gave up and really wanted to die at one time, but didn't. He has re-thunk
his position now, and is determined to hang on as long as it's "God's will".

He is on the opposite side of this case from me.
He think the husband should have the right to pull the tube.
For me there's too many unanswered question on Mikey's part that conflict
with her best interest.

My dad has a will and it will be caried out, but he's in a whole different state than terri was.

Professur said:
Did he say that?
That's what I've heard so far.
I'm waiting on a court case now :alienhuh:
catocom said:
They said she wasn't in pain, and some said she couldn't feel pain.
I dunno. If she was indeed in pain I might rethink my position, I don't know.

Sorry Cat, I didn't mean that she was in pain. Anything I've read indicates she couldn't even register pain. I meant that there are things worse than death. IMHO

My dad is in constant, terrible pain, missing a leg, hands crumpled up so bad
he can't hold a hair brush even, but his mind is halfway ok, but he gets
spacey sometimes (from all the morphine I guess). He says he's ready to go
any time, but he doesn't want to be starved/dehydrated to death.
He gave up and really wanted to die at one time, but didn't. He has re-thunk
his position now, and is determined to hang on as long as it's "God's will".

He is on the opposite side of this case from me.
He think the husband should have the right to pull the tube.
For me there's too many unanswered question on Mikey's part that conflict
with her best interest.

My dad has a will and it will be caried out, but he's in a whole different state than terri was.

I didn't know that, Cat. My sympathies. Again, if the man can think straight (aside of the drugs), he gets to choose his path. And he's done so. Good.

That's what I've heard so far.
I'm waiting on a court case now :alienhuh:

I'd have thought that would have been an instant point of attack during any of the previous legal battles.
I do have a reservation about the blood family also.
The brother said, (and the parents didn't dispute it) that even if that
was the best she ever was, they wanted her.
Now that IMO is not right.
Prof said:
Gonz, you're a christian, aren't you?
None of the above.

He, when asked back at the beginning what her thoughts were, relied in th evein of I don't know. Seven years ago, he had a revelation of her saying I wouldn't want to live like that. Hardly worhy of evidence in a court of law.

Judge Greer is the only judge, since the beginning, to look at & rule on evidence. That was about 10 years ago. Every other judge has ruled on the legal case, not on the evidence. Judge Greer has, at least 3 times, refused to allow new evidence into the case.