Professur said:
Really, Gonz? Never put down a dog that's suffering? Better to live in pain than die? Gonz, you're a christian, aren't you? Tell me what you think the soul's doing when the body's like that? That single thought makes me shudder in horror.
They said she wasn't in pain, and some said she couldn't feel pain.
I dunno. If she was indeed in pain I might rethink my position, I don't know.
My dad is in constant, terrible pain, missing a leg, hands crumpled up so bad
he can't hold a hair brush even, but his mind is halfway ok, but he gets
spacey sometimes (from all the morphine I guess). He says he's ready to go
any time, but he doesn't want to be starved/dehydrated to death.
He gave up and really wanted to die at one time, but didn't. He has re-thunk
his position now, and is determined to hang on as long as it's "God's will".
He is on the opposite side of this case from me.
He think the husband should have the right to pull the tube.
For me there's too many unanswered question on Mikey's part that conflict
with her best interest.
My dad has a will and it will be caried out, but he's in a whole different state than terri was.
Professur said:
That's what I've heard so far.
I'm waiting on a court case now