R.I.P. Terri Shiavo

This is being handled by
the ex-wife of lawyer George Felos

Constance d'Angelis claims she will be available to interpret the anticipated medical examiner's report.

But the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation argues, "not only was d'Angelis co-counsel to George Felos during the guardianship proceedings on behalf of Michael Schiavo, she is not qualified to interpret or analyze a medical examiner's report. She is only licensed as an attorney and as a massage therapist."

LARGO -- An autopsy released today found no evidence to contradict the diagnosis that Terri Schiavo was in a persistent vegetative state after her 1990 collapse, backing up her husband's contention that she would not have recovered if she was given additional therapy as her parents requested.

"There's nothing in her autopsy report that is inconsistent with a persistent vegetative state,'' said Dr. Stephen J. Nelson, a medical examiner who assisted in the autopsy. Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner Dr. Jon Thogmartin, who led the autopsy team, concluded that there was no evidence of strangulation or other trauma leading to her collapse, rebutting allegations that her husband, Michael Schiavo, abused her.

I know, I know...beating a dead horse etc.. but still, an interesting read.
MrBishop said:

I know, I know...beating a dead horse etc.. but still, an interesting read.

I read the article as well. It was an interesting read. There was nothing to be done for the woman, so just let her go. It's not like she had any quality life.
I still think euthanasia would have been more humane.
I also still believe her husband choked her. No way in hell to prove it
now. I think it probably could have been at the time it happened, if they
had looked at it more like a criminal case.
I still don't understand how he (Shiavo) could say, early on, about where he
was talking about the moral issue, while he already had another woman.

Of all the ways to die, this has to be one of the worst.

The conclusions where all as I expected, except where the doc said
that there were NO signs the she had EVER had any kind of heart attack.
So, why then the loss of oxygen to the brain. We will now never know for sure.
A.B.Normal said:
She was bullimic and I'm sure that messes up the bodies ability to function predictibly.
Nope, according to the examiner, there was NO signs, that she EVER had ANY kind of eating disorder.
Autopsy pretty much said that it wasn't the result of an eating disorder. That's the real mystery. Why the original collapse?
HomeLAN said:
Autopsy pretty much said that it wasn't the result of an eating disorder. That's the real mystery. Why the original collapse?
Exactly why I suspect her husband still.
They have no clue why.
So those who believe she will jump up outta
that bed and live a long fruitful life
might be disheartened by this development?
No signs of abuse from the autopsy....sure.
They didn't even check for some things until 30 days after she was admitted.
There could have been slight bruising on the neck, but no-one even check then.
catocom said:
No signs of abuse from the autopsy....sure.
They didn't even check for some things until 30 days after she was admitted.
There could have been slight bruising on the neck, but no-one even check then.

In the days climate, do you think she could've gone 30 days without having any signs of abuse reported? Even slight bruising would've warrented a call to the local constabulary, and would've been noticed by the hospital staff...
I don't know man. 5 nurses where let go during that short time. I don't think
there's anything at this point that could prove/convinced me of anything
either way, but I'll always be suspicious. There just too many questions
that can't/won't be answered.
catocom said:
Nope, according to the examiner, there was NO signs, that she EVER had ANY kind of eating disorder.

Her husband, Michael Schiavo, who witnessed her collapse, says that Terri, then 26, had a heart attack caused by a low potassium level—possibly due to an eating disorder. This is the theory Michael, a nurse and respiratory therapist, successfully presented in a malpractice suit against Terri’s doctors. The jury award was over $1 million: $300,000 for Michael’s loss of companionship and $750,000 for Terri’s ongoing care and rehabilitation.

I'm shocked--shocked, I tell ya.
Shouldn't Mikey give back that $1 mil?
Gato_Solo said:
In the days climate, do you think she could've gone 30 days without having any signs of abuse reported? Even slight bruising would've warrented a call to the local constabulary, and would've been noticed by the hospital staff...

My next door neighbour works for a long term care facility that recently got called on the carpet for abuses. There was outrage in the populace. When I asked him about it, he told me simply that people were reacting to something they had no context for. The reports claimed that these "abuses" had been going on for years. It's just that noone had gotten around to calling them abuses yet. People who, after deliberately shitting freshly changed diapers just for the extra attention, were left in them ( because the staff simply doesn't have the time to change one person's ass 5 times an hour).

Before you discuss abuse, you need to define it. Not just in your personal context, but in the context of all those implicated.