Rah Rah Rah Sis-Boom-Bah


molṑn labé
Staff member
Dubya's speech was long on "get my numbers up" & short on everything else. I liked what I heard but it was just cheerleading nonsense. Why oh why didn't he announce we just bombed Rihad?

That would have been a good speech.


:D Well...At least you finally realized hes just a cheerleader. I loved the way he tried to scare me into accepting his spending ..."we need this or the terrorism will come here"....


molṑn labé
Staff member
$87,000,000,000., of which $66B goes to covert ops? Hmmmmmm, maybe we are bombing Rihad :D


And meanwhile hes cutting benefits for servicemen left & right...This is a larger mess than I claimed it would be way back when...

Funny how the republicans always accuse the democrats of massive spending when the dems can't hold a candle to the republican spending.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Squiggy said:
This is a larger mess than I claimed it would be way back when...

Funny how the republicans always accuse the democrats of massive spending when the dems can't hold a candle to the republican spending.

Larger mess? Nah. It's going better than planned. Instead of spanning the globe looking for the bad guys, we're just hanging around street corners & picking them off, one by one in Iraq while the country gets a representative government & less tyranny.

Rep/Dem-both spend like there's no tomorrow. Vote Libertarian!


Um...Gonz...The 'bad guys' we're supposed to be looking for aren't in Iraq. They're in SA...remember the buldings? The planes? The Americans who died?...:eek6:


molṑn labé
Staff member
Ugh, Squiggy, who the hell do you think is attacking the service personel & the UN?


They weren't till we invaded their country and started killing them....There wasn't one Iraqi terrorist on those planes ...and NO indication that Iraq had ANYTHING to do with it. :eek6:


New Member
Another vote for libertarian.

Give me liberty or give me death. Live free or die. No taxes. Down with the government. Money and power to decide to the people. The people rule the government not the other way around.

Well, at least its not all being spent on court costs, presidential defense, wild parties, etc.

At least we dont just get in and go "oh shit they are going to fight back!" and pull out. Anyone remember Somalia? Anyone remember how we left many of those murdering war lords in power? And years later...who is still in power? The murdering war lords.

Well I cant gaurantee that Iraq will turn out better, but at least we are doing more than ol Clinton did there for those poor bastards.....


molṑn labé
Staff member
Since you're playing hard to get (along with), let me spell it out.

The T.E.R.R.O.R.I.S.T.S. are coming to Iraq. The Iraqi civilians are happy we're there. Yes, there is some mumbling, but nobody wants a foreign army in their country. We're not being attacked by Iraqi's (excepting terrorists & Ba'athists). It's Saudis & Iranians & Palestinians & Syrians & Afghanis & other assorted people with a violent streak that realizes we're winning & they will soon be nothing more significant than a sidenote in the history books.


and is this what W whispers in your ear?....I've not seen reports of foriegn terrorists assaulting US troops in Iraq. Are we just assuming they can't be Iraqi because, afterall, we've just liberated them?


New Member
Squiggy said:
:confuse3: You think we should have invaded and occupied Somalia?

We have not invaded nor have we occupied Iraq.

We have liberated them from a tyrannical dictator and we are currently attempting to offer security and guidance.

Do you think Chilieans would have said that if we had gone after Pinochet? Do you think Israel would have said that if we had immediately gone after Hitler? What about Cuba and Castro? Hell I could fill up an entire page listing murderous power hungry dictators...all off which should have been eliminated as soon as they hit power and the world would be one hell of a better place now.


molṑn labé
Staff member

Zebari, the foreign minister, said he planned at the Arab League meeting to discuss the need for measures to stem terrorists from crossing Iraq's porous borders. Already, he said, hundreds of foreign terrorists are in Iraq.

Boston Globe

The enemies have been identified as foreign terrorists, former Saddam loyalists and criminals.

Singapores Straits Times

Hundreds, if not thousands, of insurgents from Saddam Hussein's former government have organized into cells, especially in the Sunni-dominated areas in and around Baghdad, to resist the U.S.-led occupation, U.S. intelligence officials say. The nature of their resistance is clouded by the presence of hundreds of criminals freed from Iraqi jails just before the war, and as many as 1,000 foreign fighters, mainly Islamic militants, who have filtered into Iraq from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan. Some are suspected of having ties to al-Qaida, the officials said.

Tacoma Trib via NYTimes



New Member
Squiggy said:
:yell: Gonz! You have a new recruit!....:D And he still believes what W is telling him...

Watch it Gonz. I personally know people who were mistreated under Pinochet. You dont have a clue what you are talking about.

Maybe you should pick up a copy of "Survival in Ahuswich" (spelling?) and read for yourself what happens under a dictator like Hussain or Hitler