Raising the speed limit...

the limits around here are from 50mph up to 65mph, but i think they are only a suggestion. if you do 65 on the interstate around here, you best be in the slow lane.
IMO, it is hard for most people to take the speed limit seriously when you see the staties flying by you at 90mph+. i've noticed that the quickest way to get pulled over is by not getting out of their way fast enough.
What's really fun is when a Highway Patrol officer speeds on the freeway and then pulls over anyone who follows him.
Oh yeah, I-285 is the loop around the city here. Limit's 55. Average speed exceeds 70. Keep up or keep off...
Professur said:
That's why we have trains.

Unfortunately, in most parts of the country (including where I live) trains are not a viable means of transportation.
On two lane highways, it's about 50. The Beltway (695) is 55, and I-83 north is 60.

The only time I saw 70 was on a trip to Florida going between Daytona and Orlando.
355 to 270 is either 60 or 65. I havent been on the beltway in years so I dont remember if it was always 60.
There are other countries that have higher speed limits than the US, people, and we don't hear bad things about them, and we all know why...Driver Training. Make it harder to get a drivers license, and easier to lose a driver's license (permanenetly). Make it illegal to purchase a vehicle without a license, and make it illegal to own a vehicle without a license. Get rid of drivers with no insurance (check their Insurance history when it comes to license re-newal), and confiscate their motor vehicles. People have to be reminded the difference between right and priviledge...
Gato said:
we don't hear bad things about them, and we all know why...Driver Training.

My money goes to fewer drivers. The automobile is as American as apple pie, it's part of our psyche. We just have too many drivers/cars & not enough lanes.
Gonz said:
My money goes to fewer drivers. The automobile is as American as apple pie, it's part of our psyche. We just have too many drivers/cars & not enough lanes.

I disagree. We have too many people who don't know what they're doing behind the wheel. You're a truck driver...You've seen them. The guy who's so self-important he has to keep his cell-phone to his ear while he's driving while looking over sales figures weaving all over the road. The person who thinks his/her car is a rolling cafeteria, who's grease hands slip over the wheel. The make-up artist, who can put on lipstick while watching the vanity mirror so not to get smudges. The person who thinks "as long as it starts it must be good" driving a rolling rust-bucket with 'Flintstone' brakes. The wannabe DJ, who thinks that, because he/she likes his/her music, then everybody has to hear it...including those driving in soundproof limo's. The person who believes that, because he's driving 1 mph faster than the guy in front of him, he's entitled to tailgate...just to move the other guy out of the way...regardless of traffic conditions. The person who thinks that turn signals are just for adornment, and that all drivers around him/her can divine his next move simply because his thoughts are projected into their heads. The person who thinks that, just because they own an SUV, that they can go as fast as they want in any weather condition because they have added traction (braking doesn't occur to them until too late). The people who think that, because their vehicle is bigger, they always have the right-of-way. I can go on, but I think the picture is getting crystal clear...
I'd agree with you...one problem, I've witnessed the same behavior (well not every single incident) in Mexico, England, France & Germany. :shrug:

Automobile drivers need to learn one thing-PAY ATTENTION. One can eat & drive. When one is faced with a decision, drop the hamburger & drive.
Gonz said:
I'd agree with you...one problem, I've witnessed the same behavior (well not every single incident) in Mexico, England, France & Germany. :shrug:

Automobile drivers need to learn one thing-PAY ATTENTION. One can eat & drive. When one is faced with a decision, drop the hamburger & drive.

:nono: If that food/conversation/ etc is so damned important, why risk it by driving? :shrug:
Gato_Solo said:
:nono: If that food/conversation/ etc is so damned important, why risk it by driving? :shrug:

Damned straigtht. I've been trying to wean my wife of the habit for twelve years.

Hows that working out, you ask?
Not too well. :lol: