rant rant rant

Luis G

Staff member
You know what?

I hate our goverment, I hate our policies, I hate the ignorance of the people, I HATE the people, I hate the stupidity, I hate the conformism, I hate the pollution, I hate the poor planned cities, I hate all the bunch of taxes, I hate the incoming taxes, I hate to have to pay so much taxes to pay the salary of a bunch of corrupts politics.

I hate that even when we have HUGE ammounts of oil, we pay gasoline and gas this expensive.

I hate that our goverment sales HUGE ammounts of electricity to the USA very cheap and they sell it to us like if it was something made of gold.

I just fucking HATE Mexico. :mad:
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, Luis. Everyone needs a good venting about their country. There's plenty I dislike about America, though overall I'm rather pleased living here. Maybe you should relocate? :D
Luis G said:
You know what?

I hate our goverment, I hate our policies, I hate the ignorance of the people, I HATE the people, I hate the stupidity, I hate the conformism, I hate the pollution, I hate the poor planned cities, I hate all the bunch of taxes, I hate the incoming taxes, I hate to have to pay so much taxes to pay the salary of a bunch of corrupts politics.

I hate that even when we have HUGE ammounts of oil, we pay gasoline and gas this expensive.

I hate that our goverment sales HUGE ammounts of electricity to the USA very cheap and they sell it to us like if it was something made of gold.

I just fucking HATE Mexico. :mad:

Change it
Buttcrackdivine said:
You know...violins playing during sad, sappy moments.....you know...that is said when you don't care of others complaints.....must i explain ever retort.
yes, I understood the phrase.
whats wrong Luis? hope you can get out of Mexico to an area you like. wishing you the best. hope you can get to a nice area soon. hang in there
Rose, thx, I know no place is perfect but now i'm just not comfortable with this.

Gonz, I used to have hope that I could change it, but now as I see it that won't happen, not because I'm not willing to do it, but because everything is rotten.

Mirlyn and freako, thx man, I'll have to be here for at least another 3 years, but as soon as I can i'll be leaving to another country.
Isn't it natural to hate the place you are? :\ Human nature.

My condolences though, you got mexico :brush:

Hope you can get out soon, when you do, I recommend UK or Canada, anyway that's where i'm going when I'm 18.
So Luis, when ya moving? (edit: finish reading the thread before asking dumb questions...)

Buttcrackdivine said:
You know...violins playing during sad, sappy moments.....you know...that is said when you don't care of others complaints.....must i explain ever retort.

You're the suckiest Comic Book Guy I've ever seen.
Luis G said:
I used to have hope that I could change it, but now as I see it that won't happen, not because I'm not willing to do it, but because everything is rotten.

Less than 1% of the population of what was the US had enough & changed everything as we knew it. It has to start somewhere.
rixius said:
Isn't it natural to hate the place you are? :\ Human nature.

My condolences though, you got mexico :brush:

Hope you can get out soon, when you do, I recommend UK or Canada, anyway that's where i'm going when I'm 18.

not really. ive liked where i was and i like the campus im at
Luis G said:
You know what?

I hate our goverment, I hate our policies, I hate the ignorance of the people, I HATE the people, I hate the stupidity, I hate the conformism, I hate the pollution, I hate the poor planned cities, I hate all the bunch of taxes, I hate the incoming taxes, I hate to have to pay so much taxes to pay the salary of a bunch of corrupts politics.

I hate that even when we have HUGE ammounts of oil, we pay gasoline and gas this expensive.

I hate that our goverment sales HUGE ammounts of electricity to the USA very cheap and they sell it to us like if it was something made of gold.

I just fucking HATE Mexico. :mad:

Dude, why do you think I call everyone retards? ;)
I call them dumbasses or morons, your word implies an uncontrolable mental problem, when you using it to refer to people being stupid when they can help it, unless you just a jackass who makes fun of the mental handycapt, but I dont think you are, cause I dont know you.

Anywho onto the original topic, yes, the world sux some major ass, and yes even the U.S. of A. is not perfect, but it's one of the best places there is.

But bitching about it wont help us, and I don't think there is any helping us. This is a topic I've been over with my friends many times, a places without all those things you hate would be a utopia (I love that word), and a utopia is a physical impossibilty. Sure we could have a PERFECT government, but you'd still have humans in the government who lie cheat and steal. Can you say you've never lied? The problem is people are bad by instict, and we may never achive this peace.

I don't want to get into my whole theories on what should happen to the world and but it usualy ends up with "Survival of the fittest, and the smartest"