Funds = money, goods = tangible product, so service is the only keyword. Lemme see if I can find a loophole in my own AUP...
I removed all the irrelevant definitions for sake of brevity
ser·vice Pronunciation Key (sûrvs)
Work done for others as an occupation or business: has done service for us as a consultant.
An act or a variety of work done for others, especially for pay: offers a superior service to that of his competitors; provides full catering services.
Making love couldn't really be considered work done as an occupation or business, unless you're a hooker, nor can it really be considered work at all. Work is boring, making love isn't.
Assistance; help: was of great service to him during his illness.
An act of assistance or benefit; a favor: My friend did me a service in fixing the door.
This can't really apply since the definition of assist is "To give help or support to, especially as a subordinate or supplement" - to be a subordinate requires that I be an authority figure in the act, and you sound like more of a dominant woman

- for supplement to apply to this situation would need for the act to be incomplete, and two people isn't necessarily a requirement to making love, because you can love yourself, so technically is complete even before you offer it to me. Therefore, neither subordinate nor supplement apply here.
The only thing that could pose a problem.
Copulation with a female animal. Used of male animals, especially studs.
Myself being a stud and an animal, and you being an animal as well, this seems to be the only definition of service that could apply.
However, the definition of animal is "An animal organism other than a human, especially a mammal."
So, in conclusion, solicit on!