And what does all the above tell you about the similarities between this current fiasco and WWII?
NOT A DAMN THING! Know why? Because this thread wasn't started to do what you folks have done. It was started to show how we all react to our own ideas.
Flavio immediately attacked numbers, which had nothing to do with the idea of the post. I doubt he even knows the exact breakdown (only 54 civilians were killed during the Pearl Harbor attack, BTW). He argues the old avoidance method. Avoid the point by attacking what isn't as important, thereby ruining the real discussion.
Chcr takes a totally different tack by bringing up Oklahoma City. Too bad that wasn't the point, either, but military action
did take place in Oklahoma in a town called Tulsa in response to a supposed terrorist attack. Different thread, though.
Squiggy immediately went on the attack, by claiming that there is nothing similar at all, and pushed Dubya into the center. Not the point of the thread, either,
Squiggy. You're probably angry right now, so please don't respond till you cool off a little. As for the otherreferences about the Kennedy clan, I'm quite surprised at you, also,
Gonz. Slinging mud instead of just sticking with the topic is beneath both of you. Shame, shame.
Ris, bless his heart, was closest to the idea of this thread, by noting the differences between the 2 actions.

Clearly the only person who actually thought through his response instead of jumping on the bandwagon of lunacy that prevails here. This next bit is for him, and the rest of you can argue around what we post.
The time between 1918 and WWII was spent forcing Germany to pay for all the damages done during WWI through the old League of Nations (henceforth called
LN). The German economy was in a shambles, and LN had inspectors running all over the countryside enforcing a treaty which stated that Germany would produce no military weapons. This, obviously, didn't work, and, during the latter part of this time, Germany had a very large hidden military buildup. Hitler came along and accelerated the process, and used foreigners and Jews as scapegoats for Germany's ills. Iraq was under sanctions by the UN, has been purported to have hidden military programs, and has yet to show what happened to most of the chemical and biological weapons programs they had during the interim between Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. They have proven quite adept at hiding their programs, just as Germany did between WWI and WWII. Germany had an atomic weapons program...Iraq had a nuclear weapons program.
I just noticed the similarities between the two eras. Wierd, ain't it?