Read this history, and discuss...

Squiggy said:
Maybe its time to start letting everyone know that the Bush family fortune was made during WWII by his grandfather

How many generations must pay for the sins of the father oh Klingon High Council member Squiggy? While we're at it, let's burn Aetna to the ground because they insured slaves.
When you get tired attacking the action, attack the man. When you tire of that, attack his family. Go back as far as needed to eliminate your boredom.
outside looking in said:
When you get tired attacking the action, attack the man. When you tire of that, attack his family. Go back as far as needed to eliminate your boredom.

There's so much to attack in actions, the man, and his family I don't see getting bored.
Gonz said:
How many generations must pay for the sins of the father oh Klingon High Council member Squiggy? While we're at it, let's burn Aetna to the ground because they insured slaves.

Considering that it was that same fortune that bought him and his old man their credentials and kept him safe at home during the Viet Nam conflict, its not entirely out of bounds...
Oh, and ole man Kennedy was a saint? Coming from a wealthy family is no more a sin than coming from poverty or anywhere in between. You may pick your nose but you don't pick your family.
Shady liquor deals during prohibition worse than Financing Hitler...

Lying about blowjobs worse than lying to get away with murdering thousands...

Thats a strange line to walk....
It's a line called pragmatism. Varying degrees of seperation doesn't make one better, just different.
And what does all the above tell you about the similarities between this current fiasco and WWII? NOT A DAMN THING! Know why? Because this thread wasn't started to do what you folks have done. It was started to show how we all react to our own ideas. Flavio immediately attacked numbers, which had nothing to do with the idea of the post. I doubt he even knows the exact breakdown (only 54 civilians were killed during the Pearl Harbor attack, BTW). He argues the old avoidance method. Avoid the point by attacking what isn't as important, thereby ruining the real discussion. Chcr takes a totally different tack by bringing up Oklahoma City. Too bad that wasn't the point, either, but military action did take place in Oklahoma in a town called Tulsa in response to a supposed terrorist attack. Different thread, though.

Squiggy immediately went on the attack, by claiming that there is nothing similar at all, and pushed Dubya into the center. Not the point of the thread, either, Squiggy. You're probably angry right now, so please don't respond till you cool off a little. As for the otherreferences about the Kennedy clan, I'm quite surprised at you, also, Gonz. Slinging mud instead of just sticking with the topic is beneath both of you. Shame, shame.

Ris, bless his heart, was closest to the idea of this thread, by noting the differences between the 2 actions. :worship: Clearly the only person who actually thought through his response instead of jumping on the bandwagon of lunacy that prevails here. This next bit is for him, and the rest of you can argue around what we post. ;)

The time between 1918 and WWII was spent forcing Germany to pay for all the damages done during WWI through the old League of Nations (henceforth called LN). The German economy was in a shambles, and LN had inspectors running all over the countryside enforcing a treaty which stated that Germany would produce no military weapons. This, obviously, didn't work, and, during the latter part of this time, Germany had a very large hidden military buildup. Hitler came along and accelerated the process, and used foreigners and Jews as scapegoats for Germany's ills. Iraq was under sanctions by the UN, has been purported to have hidden military programs, and has yet to show what happened to most of the chemical and biological weapons programs they had during the interim between Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. They have proven quite adept at hiding their programs, just as Germany did between WWI and WWII. Germany had an atomic weapons program...Iraq had a nuclear weapons program.
I just noticed the similarities between the two eras. Wierd, ain't it?
For the record, Gato...I was refering to Hitler when I spoke of "that bad man." And you know damn well your post was intended to invoke similarities between our reaction to Sadam and our reaction to Hitler....

For you to have stated that we knew very little about Hitler was false and misleading and that was what initially drew my ire...The rest just developed as threads do...
Squiggy said:
For the record, Gato...I was refering to Hitler when I spoke of "that bad man." And you know damn well your post was intended to invoke similarities between our reaction to Sadam and our reaction to Hitler....

For you to have stated that we knew very little about Hitler was false and misleading and that was what initially drew my ire...The rest just developed as threads do...

1. Where in my post does it say we know very little about Hitler? I put nothing there that was false or misleading.

2. That's right...similarities. Not between Saddam and Hitler, but between the reactions to both. For the record...Niether Hitler, or Saddam, attacked the US first.
Gato_Solo said:
The only thing we knew was that the person in charge was a very evil man, had attacked his neighbors (some of whom were our friends), and was even purported to have ties with the first group who actually carried out the attacks.

We knew the entire situation inside out and backwards...And we didn't declare war on Germany for Pearl Harbour. We declared war on Japan. Germany came later.
You're post had no real point which I noticed right away.

You can draw more similarities between US under the current administration and Nazi Germany than you can with Iraq. What does that tell you? Not a whole lot.

This just a weak attempt to justify the actions of criminals who lied to their country to get support for a war.
Squiggy said:
We knew the entire situation inside out and backwards...And we didn't declare war on Germany for Pearl Harbour. We declared war on Japan. Germany came later.

We didn't know the situation inside and out. Not until we were already fighting. But that's not the reason for this thread.

I'll put it another way...

Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy, and Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln...Ring any bells, now?
OT, but I just finished watching the movie "The Pianist." Great movie. It reinforced my initial shock at hearing someone compare what Hitler did and what Bush/Bush administration has done.
Gato_Solo said:
Flavio immediately attacked numbers, which had nothing to do with the idea of the post. I doubt he even knows the exact breakdown (only 54 civilians were killed during the Pearl Harbor attack, BTW). He argues the old avoidance method. Avoid the point by attacking what isn't as important, thereby ruining the real discussion.

And I do know the numbers on Pearl Harbor obviously better than you do or you wouldn't have said "several". I'm not avoiding your point, you had no point.

You just get upset when your threads don't follow your silly plan.
outside looking in said:
OT, but I just finished watching the movie "The Pianist." Great movie. It reinforced my initial shock at hearing someone compare what Hitler did and what Bush/Bush administration has done.

Gato tries to compare Nazi Germany to Iraq and sure there's a couple similarities, you can also easily compare US actions to Nazi Germany and find similarities, you could find similarities between Hitler and my neighbors weiner dog if you wanted to.

It's all avoiding the issue though.
Gato, Regardless of what direction you want to take it now, your obvious intention for the thread was to try to paint the Iraq situation with the same "truth, justice, and the American way" that carried us through WWII. And thats Bullshit. And you know it.
Squiggy said:
Gato, Regardless of what direction you want to take it now, your obvious intention for the thread was to try to paint the Iraq situation with the same "truth, justice, and the American way" that carried us through WWII. And thats Bullshit. And you know it.

Now I'm angry. You're a mindreader now? Perhaps you're omnipotent. No. You don't know why I posted that, and as long as you assume that tripe, you'll never get a clue. I posted that for the reasons I stated. To show the similarities between 2 actions. As for the 'truth, justice, and American way" that carried 'us' through WWII, just remember that not all Americans had that. You're full of shit on this one, and you know it. You're trying to supplant what I wrote and warp it to something that you can fit into your idea of who I am. You, not me, are in the wrong here, and I found that last sentiment of yours to be both pompous and arrogant.