Out-freaking-standing OTC member
I've got your plausible deniability, and you can kiss it for all I care.Squiggy said:Can you say 'plausible deniability'?....![]()
I've got your plausible deniability, and you can kiss it for all I care.Squiggy said:Can you say 'plausible deniability'?....![]()
i will note some similarities im ashamed to admit i didnt see between them such as the weapons of mass destruction(hitler you said had an atom bomb plan a manhattan project if you will) under his sleeve which none of my history classes told us about. i dont know whether he still has them in hiding but it is errily similar in that if he does they are damn well hidden. the military i dont know was Iraq told they can have no military power???????? isnt that illegal since itd make them an easy target for any country? i wanted to wait until you responded gato since im stupid and didnt know the purpose of the threadGato_Solo said:1. Where in my post does it say we know very little about Hitler? I put nothing there that was false or misleading.
2. That's right...similarities. Not between Saddam and Hitler, but between the reactions to both. For the record...Niether Hitler, or Saddam, attacked the US first.
Squiggy said:So how many of you didn't get the same impression as I did from the original post?
freak said:which none of my history classes told us about.
i dont like bush or his father as they both have lied. but you know what they say like father like son.i didnt like the idea of how he got in office. but i see what your getting at. and ill admit that what i learned of JFK i like the man. teddy is a drunk bastard(sorry to use such damning terms but i dont see him any other way.)Gonz said:One of the reasons that we're beginning to homeschool is the amount of basic education that is no longer taught. Take what you learned in public school & dismiss it. Go find a few books on American &/or World history. You'd be surprised at what they forgot to teach.
Gato-My point in bring the Kennedy clan up was to show that most of our political families have dirt in their background. I dislike Teddy because of his actions & words, not because of Joe. Squiggy should dislike Dubya for the same. The family is irrelevent.
freako104 said:i will note some similarities im ashamed to admit i didnt see between them such as the weapons of mass destruction(hitler you said had an atom bomb plan a manhattan project if you will) under his sleeve which none of my history classes told us about. i dont know whether he still has them in hiding but it is errily similar in that if he does they are damn well hidden. the military i dont know was Iraq told they can have no military power???????? isnt that illegal since itd make them an easy target for any country? i wanted to wait until you responded gato since im stupid and didnt know the purpose of the thread