Real or fake

Real or fake? What kind of Christmas tree do you get?

  • Real

    Votes: 20 100.0%
  • Fake

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • eh?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Fake - real ones make too much mess and my cat likes to chew them..... so he's weird - he eats plastic carrier bags too!:retard:
unclehobart said:
I am in protest within a family dispute and have had nothing to do with christmas trees for 15 years.

:( Why?

One of the best things in the world is to lie on your back with your head under the tree, looking up through the branches and the lights and tinsle etc. Especially in the dark. :joy:
HomeLAN said:
Fake trees are an abomination.

At least they're not trying to be something they're not. How would you like someone to cut off your legs, and drop you in a vat of nutrients only up to the top of your stubs? Teasing you with life, while hanging deadly instruments all over your body...:D

fake for us. why get a real tree? this is much cheaper and cleaner, and we don't feel the need to burn it afterwards anyways :p
i voted eh cause to me its all about being with family and friends. more fam but sometimes you spend it with gf or if you have a bf. or with a group of friends.
It all stems from my old super (expletive deleted) stepmother whom I never got along with one effing day of my life.

When I was a wee tot... probably 4, my grandma took me down to a store to let me pick out some christmasy things that I like. I was drawn to these rather simple blue and red crystal round ornaments. They were small and simple... there wasn't the least objectionable thing about them. I had placed one of each on the tree every year for the next 13. Then comes the 3rd or 4th christmas with the evil stepmother. My duties every year was to haul out the 15 associated boxes from the attic down the rickety ladder and break it all out side by side so that the garland and lights and bric a brac can be laid out on distributed all over. I had no say so as to what went where. I didnt even try anymore because I knew she would just do exaclty what she wanted to do without any input. Christmas was all for her, by god. The look had to be just so and she wouldnt accept suggestions. On this particular year, she loaded up the tree with a myriad of new nick nacks and broke out a few heirlooms of her own and left the tree fairly sparse. She rejected my family traditional pieces outright. I tried to put one of my blue ornamets on the tree as it was the only article of mine out of 15 huge boxes of general material. It really did fit with the general theme that was up. If it would have been a certain theme that would have made my ornament look way out of place I would not have protested. She ordered me take it down. I refused. I said that it was a family tree and that she had decided the scheme for 99% of everything for the prior 4 years. I wanted my little 1%. She berated me and then sent me out back to rake the backyard as punishment. When I came in I noticed that my ornament was off of the tree. I waited until breakfast the next morning and then snuck the single ornament unto a low branch that was against the wall... utterly invisible. When the tree was being taken down she noticed the ornament and went ballistic. No matter my protests about it being a family affair, she treated eveything as 100% hers. I was wrong to try and put my influence on HER tree. I was grounded for 5 days for parental defiance. And I watched her grab up all 24 of my ornaments and throw them in the trash. I walked over to my father with soft voice and pure sincerity and informed him that if she was going to be allowed to discard 100% of my personal Christmas heirloom property... I was no longer going to participate in Christmas. I would not set up a tree, raise a single light, touch no garland, no arts, crafts or cookies with the family uinit. I would no longer listen to the music or have a single care for decent present selction. It would just be relegated to the status of a weak birthday party. He just shrugged it off as the rant of an angry teen. My last link to my grandmother was left in the trash.

The next year follows and I am ordered to bring down the boxes fromt he attic. I do so and then walk away. 'Help us set up the tree and decorate', they said. I stopped, turned, relegated the tale of the prior Christmas, returned, walked away. My dad tried to talk me into letting it go for several years. I refused. I told him that I would participate if he would only produce my ornaments. 'I can't', he would say. 'They were thrown out'. 'And I with them', I would say. 'You chose your bitch psycho wife over your own children and the memory of your dead mother that day. I am done with it all until I have a family of my own to revive it with. With you, I am done insofar as the holidays are concerned.'

There is more to the story, but my stomach is churning with bitter acid right now and I don't feel like continuing. Sufficeth to say, chistmas is not happy time, it is not even a zero sum game... it is a low point.