Well-Known Member
Hey, Jim... what have you seen more of lately coming through your line?
I haven't seen any difference in what goes through my line. I hear the same complaints across the demographic on how prices are going up. I have gotten several comments in the past few days on how they are appreciative of one stop shopping which I assume is a commentary on the price of expending gas driving around from one retailer to another. We also comp all advertised prices for all competitors and recently started comping club card prices as well which heretofore had been off the table. We would only comp the "walk in off the street" prices but not the membership prices such as Safeway, King Soopers, etc.
People are still buying specialty foods like cherries but the cost of cherries is way down ($2.48) from what it usually is ($4.88) this early in the season. Bananas are up but are still flying off the shelves. Meats are unchanged even though all meats across the board, from chicken to filet mignon, are up. Milk is still a commodity that finds its way into nearly every transaction even though it went from $2.50 / gal to over $4.00 in a two month period. Prices have since settled in the $3.00 / gal area.
As for me, I bought custom tailored dress shirts from http://www.bestcustomshirt.com . I get compliments all of the time on my manner of dress; and at least twice a week I am asked if I am a manager. My standard response? "No, I'm not a manager. I just dress better than the managers do."