Reformed Plant Murderer


Staff member
well greenfreak, I finally did it...I joined GardenWeb :lloyd:

I have had enough with the killing of the I've opened my houseplant care book...and rekindled my interest, so much so that when my girlfriend gave me a begonia tonight for my birthday, I flew to gardenweb to see how to take care of it.

soooooooo I'm now an interested member. Whether I have anything to contribute yet is somethin else.
Leslie said:
soooooooo I'm now an interested member. Whether I have anything to contribute yet is somethin else.

I am sure some disgruntled member needs the advice of Charles Manson of the plant world. :)
Begonias - oh, there's a fun plant to kill...and soo easy to do it too.

Overwater - dead
Underwater - dead
not enough fertilizer -dead
too much fertilizer - dead
not enough light -dead get the idea. Have your girlfriend get you a 'mother-in-law's-tongue'
They're damn near impossible to kill
Hostas are hard to kill, too. Bonus: they are perennials. :cool:

Good luck with the begonias, Leslie. :)
MrBishop said:
Have your girlfriend get you a 'mother-in-law's-tongue'
They're damn near impossible to kill
I managed it nicely :lloyd:

I gotta give this begonia a good college try...we'll see :blank:
funny little aside...I looked up some of my houseplants seems when I was at the greenhouse a couple weeks ago, I unknowingly bought, on the same day, a Cathedral Window plant and a Prayer Plant.

Leslie said:
funny little aside...I looked up some of my houseplants seems when I was at the greenhouse a couple weeks ago, I unknowingly bought, on the same day, a Cathedral Window plant and a Prayer Plant.


Combined with your AV thats absolutely frightening.
IDLEchild said:
Get a cactus. You can't be less nurturing than a desert.
Looks like you've never gotten The PM™.

OK, I'll admit it, neither have I. :D I've heard nothing pleasant about it, though.
YAY!! I have company!! Obviously the Housplant forum is for you but did you notice they also have a Canadian forum? The search feature is awesome too. Words to the wise... There are only 10 pages of posts kept in each forum, then they permanently go bye-bye. So if there's a gem of a thread, copy it and keep it.

Oh and the owner is a tyrant and has no (and I mean NO) patience for off topic threads. There's no "hi Trish, how are you?" stuff allowed. Some forums have a "conversations" subforum where you can do that if it's really popular. Like the Orchid forum. The one forum that got away with it most was the Balcony Gardening forum. But there was a mass exodus a while back when the owner banned a member. So now there is an "Exiled Balcony Gardeners" forum on Yahoo :laugh:

I don't have a balcony but the people on the Balcony Gardeners forum are the friendliest out there. Oh and the Plumeria forum is really nice too.

You need to tell me what name you registered as! Can you tell I'm excited???
heehee :D

I went in as CdnGrnThumb (yeah right :laugh: ). I looked at Houseplants last night, and a couple of the plant specific Begonias :lloyd: but I haven't got to the Canadian forum yet - kinda scared I'll be inspired and poor so suffering :lol:

It'll be good though, I've been digging up crap in the bush that's pretty and replanting it up at my place, so I'll maybe be able to find out what some of it is.

I'll remember that about the off topic. I guess it's working for them in a way, they seem real busy there. And I'm gonna check out Balcony Gardeners too..with the size of my yard that's prolly about where I'm at :D
Sharky said:
Hostas are hard to kill, too. Bonus: they are perennials. :cool:

I have hostas, LOTS of hostas

they are impossible to kill, we left 2 on the lawn, that we didn't plant last year, over the winter, Nat went to pick them up this weekend, they had sunk there roots into the ground, they look like they are jsut sitting there, but they are alive, and growing, and plotting world domination.

Or les, plant some kudzu, I heard it grows fast, and don'd die easy.

Don't do kudzu. That shit will eat anything in its path. The Georgia DOT decided that was the perfect anti-erosion agent in the 70's, and now it's everywhere.

Great nesting spot for snakes, too.
HomeLAN said:
Don't do kudzu. That shit will eat anything in its path. The Georgia DOT decided that was the perfect anti-erosion agent in the 70's, and now it's everywhere.

Great nesting spot for snakes, too.

click the link, it shows the evil of kudzu
My problem has been more houseplants than outdoor plants...for outdoor plants I go for more of the dig up what I see wandering in the bush and plant it in the same type of conditions I found it in philosophy, and haven't gone wrong yet :lloyd:
greenfreak said:
YAY!! I have company!! You need to tell me what name you registered as! Can you tell I'm excited???
ahem!! coff coff

I have doing bonsai for about 7 years, when I was lucky enough to rescue a lost Bonsai from the bench of a metro station (subway). At that time, i knew nothing of Bonsai, nor were there any clubs in my area. Thanks to the internet, it took me 6 1/2 years to kill it (thanks to the help of the Ice Storm and 5 cats).

I've begun searching for a club in the Montreal area for Bonsai, or even a store, without fruition. Hopefully, this site can help me grow my collection beyond my young willows and my empty pots.

I live in: Quebec, Canada My zone is: 5a/5b Que

My birthday is on April 3rd.

My favorite forum is Bonsai.

Another favorite is Japanese Gardens. [size=-1]First registered on November 5, 2002.​

went there last night :D

I think I'm allergic to Willow...there's a monster one at the school, the only thing there that isn't growing elsewhere roundabout here...and whenever I go there my eyes are burning and watering, throat burning and I choke up. So that kinda sucks.

before you say it, it isn't cause I have to take my kids home with me...cause it happens when I drop em off for the day too :lol: