AlladinSane said:
So you believe in the non-existance of God as a matter of fact. Can you prove me by you logic why he doesn't exist?
Well for a start, to permit his existence you have to employ all sorts of physical-law-breaking exceptions. He clearly doesn't exist in the physical world. In a logical world, he does not exist. As this is the only world of which we have any indication of existence, there is utterly no logical basis on which to claim his existence.
Without such a logical basis to allow us to assume his existence, the question rather becomes "prove that he
does exist". If you can't, then he doesn't exist. And since we've already shown that he can't be proven to exist, he therefore must not exist.
This may seem like the cheat's way out until you look at an analogy. If you claim that there's a UFO in your backyard, or a flying pig, or a money-tree, you cannot then demand people prove the opposite - it's up to you to prove your claim. Unless you can back up your claim with evidence, your claim will not be taken seriously. The same is true for God. God existing is far outside our scientific and logical norms. To have these norms shifted to allow the existence of God,
YOU have to provide the evidence. It was up to Einstein to prove his theories, not for others to disprove them.
Remember, also, that if you want to
logically prove the existence of God, you have to do so without the use of "cover-alls" like "he's God, he can do anything" or "we exist, that's all the proof you need". To disprove God under those circumstances is damn easy.