
Which religion do you think poses the most danger to mankind?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Islam

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • I am religious/spiritual

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • I am athiest/agnostic

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters
a13antichrist said:
Sorry, dude, I forgot that you know me SOOO much better than I know myself, you're right of course, what was I thinking.. :rolleyes:

Once again, you dodge the question I asked, and put up some lame sarcasm.
Gato_Solo said:
Once again, you resort to baseless attacks. This time on what you percieve to be someone elses 'lifestyle'. I have yet to even come close to insulting you, so why are you angry?

Once again you fail to comprehend a basic sentence. Reading it correctly you'll see I was talking about MY lifestyle, no-one else's.

And once more you resort to denial and displacement to avoid having to answer the real issue. Even if you don't agree with the way I present my arguments, the fact remains pure and simple that you know that I think religion is a pile of bullshit - Christianity, Shinto, Judaism, whatever. But instead you choose to focus on more trivial things to avoid confronting the real issue. I think that says more than anything else.
a13antichrist said:
Retards are those that maintain incorrect beliefs (matters of fact) at the expense of logic and/or reason. If you think that the Mini can beat that BMW, but once you check out the engine stats you realise you probably got mixed up, fine. If after watching the M3 sit and have a cup of tea while waiting for the Mini to finish, and still you claim the Mini is faster, then you're a retard. Other beliefs, things like the origin of the universe, are less obvious, but you can still seperate the retards - someone claiming it was the egg of a really big cosmic chicken would probably fall under that category.
Then if I say I have an opinion that God does exist instead of having a belief that doesn't make me a retard?
chcr said:
Sorry, a13, but even I have to disagree with that one. There are certainly a great many otherwise intelligent people who profess such a belief, self-deluding though it may be. I am anti-religious, I just feel that if you wish to believe and don't use your beliefs to rationalize hurting others, it's no skin off of my nose. I'm generally not interested enough in the arguments to argue about it though.

You're perfectly entitled to that opinion and I've got no problem with that. For me it comes down to the Matrix though.. would you rather live in the Matrix, nice and cosy yet blind to reality, or be pulled out and know the truth, in spite of the total unpleasantness of it all?

The right answer? Continue to live in the Matrix while knowing what the truth outside really is...
Gato_Solo said:
Once again, you dodge the question I asked, and put up some lame sarcasm.

Once again you fail to see the simplest point. Sarcasm or not, there's still an answer to your "point" in it. I know why I chose the name better than you do. Your only counter is "No you don't!" :rolleyes: Nice one. Although you used it the first time too.

Let's make this easy on those who seem to have trouble keeping up, huh? We live in a Western society largely dominated by Christianity. We also live in a society dominated by "government". If you wish to express distaste in that philosophy (i.e, government) are you likely to ridicule the current government, or a smaller minor party that only 8% of people have ever even heard of?

The answer again is of course neither. Show me one instance where I have attacked Christianity directly. I'm still trying to understand your motivation though - what difference does it honestly make to you? The only plausible conclusion I've found so far is that something has disturbed you, and you're now trying to justify it but without a direct attack on Christianity you don't know how to repsond, so you're fishing around for any thread to cling to that might prevent you from having to face the idea that it's just not as simple as "us against them".

If I'm wrong on that account, then feel free to provide your own explanation. I'm all eyes..
AlladinSane said:
Then if I say I have an opinion that God does exist instead of having a belief that doesn't make me a retard?

God either exists or he doesn't, there's no way round that. Hence belief in his existence can only be a belief, because it's a matter of fact, yes or no, black or white.
Gato_Solo said:
Once again, you dodge the question I asked, and put up some lame sarcasm.
Hasnt this thread turned into a personal attack on a13....go and read the forum banner line and then come back.....
That doesn't bother me in the slightest, it's this endless blather of mindless gibberish in the attempt at argument that's slowly getting to me..
steweygrrrr said:
Hasnt this thread turned into a personal attack on a13....go and read the forum banner line and then come back.....
In fact, it has not turned into a personal attack on a13. It is the opposite. a13 has attacked everyone else. I have yet to insult, or demean him, personally. Only his ideas, and his 'opinion' on mental retardation et al. I made a statement about his handle, and he chose to react negatively. When I start personal attacks, rest assured, you will know.

Back to a13's attempt to dodge the question yet again...

Why are you angry?
a13antichrist said:
God either exists or he doesn't, there's no way round that. Hence belief in his existence can only be a belief, because it's a matter of fact, yes or no, black or white.
a13antichrist said:
No, I am anti-retards. Retards include anyone who believe in any sort of "superior being" or "afterlife" or whatever.
So you believe in the non-existance of God as a matter of fact. Can you prove me by you logic why he doesn't exist?
Speaking of dodging the question, still waiting for your reply on your choking agents.

You can interpret an opinion you don't like as anger if that makes you feel better. Some choose religion, others choose the -head-in-the-sand technique, it's all the same in the end.
The true Anti-christ knows God in a very intimate way (FYI).

I dont have the numbers right now but if you want to talk science, I once saw a stastical calculation of the odds of this solar system, our planet, our atmosphere, biological life, and our highly advanced abilities and the perfect/delicate balance of what we call "life" and.

I have about as much chance of turning into God myself as that set of circumstances suddenly happening spontaneously through natural forces. It just couldnt happen.

There definately was some kind of higher power. Be he a powerful energy omnipotent being, or just a boring old Alien with a fast ship and knowledge of genetics...somthing put into place the circumstances that lead to our exsistence.
freako104 said:
hex im curious. are you still a fan of these bands? how bout slayer do you still like them although they are an anti chrsitian band?
I still like deathmetal but i refrain from listening to most of it. Slayer was for many years my favorite band but it doesn't do for me now what it once did. Listening to songs like angel of death simply go against something that has grown close to my heart in recent years. Nowadays i limit myself to napalm death and a few other politically oriented deathmetal bands. Besides that i just don't need that anger in my life anymore. It's been replaced, or is being replaced by something better.
AlladinSane said:
So you believe in the non-existance of God as a matter of fact. Can you prove me by you logic why he doesn't exist?

Well for a start, to permit his existence you have to employ all sorts of physical-law-breaking exceptions. He clearly doesn't exist in the physical world. In a logical world, he does not exist. As this is the only world of which we have any indication of existence, there is utterly no logical basis on which to claim his existence.

Without such a logical basis to allow us to assume his existence, the question rather becomes "prove that he does exist". If you can't, then he doesn't exist. And since we've already shown that he can't be proven to exist, he therefore must not exist.

This may seem like the cheat's way out until you look at an analogy. If you claim that there's a UFO in your backyard, or a flying pig, or a money-tree, you cannot then demand people prove the opposite - it's up to you to prove your claim. Unless you can back up your claim with evidence, your claim will not be taken seriously. The same is true for God. God existing is far outside our scientific and logical norms. To have these norms shifted to allow the existence of God, YOU have to provide the evidence. It was up to Einstein to prove his theories, not for others to disprove them.

Remember, also, that if you want to logically prove the existence of God, you have to do so without the use of "cover-alls" like "he's God, he can do anything" or "we exist, that's all the proof you need". To disprove God under those circumstances is damn easy.
Got a link? If it's a link to some pro-religious organization, I'm going to laugh out loud.
AnomalousEntity said:
I have about as much chance of turning into God myself as that set of circumstances suddenly happening spontaneously through natural forces. It just couldnt happen.

How about the chances of a baby being born with exactly your precise combination of DNA? No superior being had a hand in that one, and yet here you are. True, there are thousands of millions of possible combinations of atmospheric conditions, etc, but then there are thousands of millions of planets. Did you know that amino acids have been successfully crushed in a comet-impact simulation, effectively "creating" simple bacteria?

Think about it like winning the lottery. If you choose one person his chances of winning are pretty slim. BUT someone always wins each week, more or less. The cosmic lottery only had to be won once by one planet for us to be able to pose these questions. The probability of that NEVER happening ANYWHERE in the universe is FAR FAR smaller.
Shadowfax said:
a lot of religions have been the basis for major and smaller wars, and all have their own way to be(come) a 'threat to mankind'.
but it's hard to see the difference between a religion and the way so called followers practice it. almost all religions preach peace and unity, but especially the latter is often used as an excuse to start wars.
islam isn't a threat to mankind, nor is christianity. the extrememist acting in name of any religion are the threat to mankind.

the poll is a bit provoking imo, because i'm pretty sure that you, hex, know just as well that islam AND christianity are both peaceful religions and that the religion itselves won't pose a danger.

Let me answer this question again SF and a bit more directly. Religion is little more than what men do with it. Obviously if you really don't believe that religion is a threat then you don't need to answer the poll. I haven't stated that religion is an absolute threat but i've left the door open for those who believe that it is a threat.

As far as leaving out judiasm(which others have brought up) I already knew for the most part what that poll wiould look like. As i said in the beginning this poll was done for myself and no one else. If i start a poll asking which team do you like the most the bears or the colts no one need say it's not fair that i didn't ask about the rams.
a13antichrist said:
How about the chances of a baby being born with exactly your precise combination of DNA? No superior being had a hand in that one, and yet here you are. True, there are thousands of millions of possible combinations of atmospheric conditions, etc, but then there are thousands of millions of planets. Did you know that amino acids have been successfully crushed in a comet-impact simulation, effectively "creating" simple bacteria?

Think about it like winning the lottery. If you choose one person his chances of winning are pretty slim. BUT someone always wins each week, more or less. The cosmic lottery only had to be won once by one planet for us to be able to pose these questions. The probability of that NEVER happening ANYWHERE in the universe is FAR FAR smaller.

Yea maybe. I have some land in Nevada to sell you that I think will eventually be ocean front. Its a gamble but you seem like the type to go for it (joking).

Seriously though, Ill stick with my Star Trek Theory thanks.

Chcr- I hate to sound sarcastic but not every thing a person encounters in life came from the web. I read it in this thing that had soft white stuff made from tress with this printing stamped in it. I think it was called....umm...... A book.

It was years ago and Im 98% sure it was not a "pro-christian" book. It was an exert in a book about belief systems. The exert was written by a mathematician who had set out to prove that God doesnt exsist and against his hardest attempts at it he felt he had ended up proving (in his opinion) that God did exsist. Ive read similiar accounts and statements from virtually every field of science from Marine Biology to Chemestry, etc etc.

For a quick peek at what Im talking about check out either Robert Fenners "the counscientious aquarist" or Tullocks "natural reefs aquariums" one of them would be one of my more recent encounters with this conclusion (but I cant remember which right now).

There is actually a forum/QA somewhere (or there used to be) where you can just post directly and Fenner will respond, not sure how to reach Tullock.

The next time I run across this Ill be sure and write it down and go out of my way to post just so I can satisfy you....NOT. *piss*