
Your religion

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    Votes: 23 100.0%
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  • Atheist or Agonostic

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  • Opium

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I think that everyone needs to believe in *something*. It's what propels us forward. It is very personal and no one is wrong about thier beliefs. My beliefs are strong, but I would never hold ill-will to anyone who disagreed - even argued - with me.

It all boils down to tolerance and understanding :)
Gonz said:
atheism isn't a religion (yes I'm being difficult, again)

it sure ain't, the truth in this case isn't difficult. but in essence it is the nearest that can be said of my belief in comparison with others of faith.
He should have thought about that BEFORE he blew his own brains out.

He was a silly, silly boy...........
Jus' a loser from Southern that really matters.

What is atheism? denial? anti-conformity? daddy-wasn't-there for-me?

Question here is......what do you really believe?

Is there anyone/anything worth denying yerself for?

Why not indulge yerself an' the nature you were given 'til the day yer removed from this terre-ferma/?

It's been said, "he who stands for nothing, falls for anything".

Truth is, most of us have found nothing,in our lives,WORTH standing for.

Gotta tell ya, when someone comes into yer life, who is all about proving to ya, that you are worth the sacrifice of their selfish desire, jus' to know an; love ya, as ya are,it sorta changes yer it changes yer perspective completely.

Someone walked into my life one day, with love like' all my defenses an' pretences fell to the ground an' became meaningless.

Never been the same since, even though I'm still as frail as I was' hopfully more so. :)
What is atheism? denial? anti-conformity? daddy-wasn't-there for-me?
To me, is to believe in yourself, to know that you are the one in control of many things in your life.

Question here is......what do you really believe?

Is there anyone/anything worth denying yerself for?
Denying....??? :confuse3:

Why not indulge yerself an' the nature you were given 'til the day yer removed from this terre-ferma/?
Because nobody gave me a thing, if i have to thank somebody, those would be my parents.

It's been said, "he who stands for nothing, falls for anything".
I stand for me.

75renegade said:
Truth is, most of us have found nothing,in our lives,WORTH standing for.

Gotta tell ya, when someone comes into yer life, who is all about proving to ya, that you are worth the sacrifice of their selfish desire, jus' to know an; love ya, as ya are,it sorta changes yer it changes yer perspective completely.

Someone walked into my life one day, with love like' all my defenses an' pretences fell to the ground an' became meaningless.

Never been the same since, even though I'm still as frail as I was' hopfully more so. :)

I try to be "as i am" all the time, no matter if i'm receiving love or not, when i became atheist i also destroyed my "defenses".
What is atheism? denial? anti-conformity? daddy-wasn't-there for-me?
i deny nothing. my being an atheist has nothing to do with not wishing to conform or my upbringing.

Question here is......what do you really believe?
largely i believe in rationality and reason. i see no reason to believe in deities.

Is there anyone/anything worth denying yerself for?
humankind? why deny yourself?

Why not indulge yerself an' the nature you were given 'til the day yer removed from this terre-ferma/?
indeed, why not. a belief in a deity does not change the 'enjoy life until you die' bit. just the bit after.

It's been said, "he who stands for nothing, falls for anything".
i just don't stand for religion, other things i decide upon individually
Atheist, however, i used to be Christian/Catholic

Ditto - seems to get of lot of us that way.

I am Christian, but I do not 'belong' to a church

I never did find many christians in any church I've been to. True christians practice their faith on a day to day basis like being kind to assholes, turning the other cheek and helping people who really need help - without judging. And they do it with quiet dignity not for what they can get out of it - like Mother Theresa - now that is true christianity. That's my opinion anyway.
luis, I think the word is niegue. restrain, esp. from indulging in some pleasure; "She denied herself wine and spirits.
thx unc. :)

Is there anyone/anything worth denying yerself for?
I'd only restrain from doing things i like if such actions are affecting someone i love, or because i need to.