religious discrimination

AlladinSane said:
You can change lazy for scared or opressed and Christian by any other faith with the same result. Someone asked why so many non-merried christians have kids, I would answer - simply because they really don't believe in it. Their minds were taught that way but their hearts refuse to believe such a negative thing could come from God.

edited it for you...

AlladinSane said:
You can change lazy for scared or opressed and Christian by any other faith with the same result. Someone asked why so many non-merried christians have kids, I would answer - simply because they really don't believe in it. Their minds were taught that way but their hearts refuse to believe such a negative thing could come from God.

or in some cases its because they became Christians after, or they slip up(as they call it) once in a while, or they have the philosophy they will be forgiven for doing so. and still others have more liberal ideas in their beliefs.

ralphie you have a point but sometimes it is not because lazy/scared/oppressesd. instead it is beaten into their heads at an early age. and they grow up to believe it
freako104 said:
or in some cases its because they became Christians after, or they slip up(as they call it) once in a while, or they have the philosophy they will be forgiven for doing so. and still others have more liberal ideas in their beliefs.

ralphie you have a point but sometimes it is not because lazy/scared/oppressesd. instead it is beaten into their heads at an early age. and they grow up to believe it

yes, but notice I said a lot, not all.

and, yeah, you have a point as well.

as was said in Great Expectations: Let's say there was a little girl, and from the time she could understand, she was taught to fear...let's say, she was taught to fear daylight. She was taught it was her enemy, that it would hurt her. And then one sunny day, you ask her to go outside and play and she won't. You can't be angry at her, can you?
I attend a public school and I get the same crap from nearly all the students, who are, conveniently, Christian.

Their efforts to convert me have failed miserably and I can't agree enough with you.
Cheese said:
I attend a public school and I get the same crap from nearly all the students, who are, conveniently, Christian.

Their efforts to convert me have failed miserably and I can't agree enough with you.

anyone ever attempted to convert you in math class?


I'm on a first name basis with the 'have you been saved' guy at the park because I always says 'by the blood of the lamb, brother. by the blood of the lamb.'

because, well... he leaves me alone, and if I told him simply NO, I'd find myself laden with pamphlets. and we all know that pamphlets are evil.
we had a few at my first college back home. some Christians were trying to convert people. I got to use this line perfectly.

him:Jesus paid for your sins
me: I still aint got my moneys worth.

ohhhhhhhhhh was he pissed!
but we talked a little after that. still I got to use it :swing:
freako104 said:
we had a few at my first college back home. some Christians were trying to convert people. I got to use this line perfectly.

him:Jesus paid for your sins
me: I still aint got my moneys worth.

ohhhhhhhhhh was he pissed!
but we talked a little after that. still I got to use it :swing:

I also like the...

Jehovah's Witness: Have you found Jesus?
Me: Oh, goodness! [clap hands to face in utter shock] I didn't know he was lost! You get the flashlights, I'll call the police. We will search every single inch of this ground tonight! We will find your Jessie!
Jehovah's Witness: Wait... what?
Me: Jessie. No time to talk, I'll get the phone.
Jehovah's Witness: No... Jesus...
Me: Oh... him... yeah... Lucifer got him years ago... [become teary eyed]

[this works best when, like me, you name one dog Jesus, and the other dog Lucifer, simply to make JWs angry...]
I choose to respect religion for those who earnestly believe in its values because it does do good for many people but I refuse to follow instructions on how to live. If God can dictate my every move then he can very well be there to help out in hard times and help with some of the stupidity.

People so blindly believe in the notion of god because it is a defense mechanism, in defense of feeling helplessness. It is this innate desire to believe that someone is there for you when no may really be. That someone with all the answers, power, and reason is watching over you in time of need and that gives people hope, it gives them strength and the courage to go on. The belief in a possibly fictional character allows them to comprehend the mystery of life through an easy answer: "God did it" even though they are possibly enveloping themselves into a lie...but this lie helps them with a feeling of hope.

The human mind has this annoying need of wanting to have an answer, an a explanation for everything so we have a feeling of semblence of control over this phenomenon that intially firghtens us. What we can't explain scares us, so we we tell ourselves God did it and he works in mysterious ways.

God is nothing but an instituition for feeling of safety and hope in an uncertain world and somewhere along the line it became the way of life. This has been the greatest strength and crutch of the religious institute and humanity itself. When belief turned into faith....and when that happens it produces two types of results.

1) It turns men onto the right path. So many have found their lives through faith in religion and god. So many reformed and turned into functioning members of society through the "love" of god. Religion has the power to do great amount of good....

2)...but when belief turns into faith it also produces blind zealots who take the name of god to carry out their vendetta against what they see as a failed version of it theirs or another society. Some do it unintentionally and some do it in all concious and open eyes.

I choose to respect religion for the good it can do, the fruitful changes it can have on a lost individual but I do not follow the guidelines of religion because, to me, it asks too much for a human being who is already struggling for an indentity to claim in an always uncertain world. It causes humans to stop questioning what goes on around them and makes them weak by accepting god as an answer to every problem or creation. Leaving it up to god gets you nowhere and so many let their lives be a hell-hole due to this misconception that anyone really cares for them outside of the benefits they provide for them.

God and religion has been man's greatest and worst creation...either way it deserves respect and its followers need to realize that opression is not the key. As curious as we are and as desperate we are for answers...we are also rebels...opression does bode well for some of us.
..and to add to that..

Religious places of worship are really, bloody, boring. Even god probably avoids sunday sermons and opts for a football game instead.
depends on the place. my friend Brian and Jennie and Joe(I call them my spirtiual parents have some fun places(well I never saw Brians but he and his gf like it they have fun there). personally I am usually bored or thinking to myself how I disagree with some things. but I am respectful to those people. they are people who are true to their religion. they are really cool.
IDLEchild said:
..and to add to that..

Religious places of worship are really, bloody, boring. Even god probably avoids sunday sermons and opts for a football game instead.

Ever been to a black baptist church? I don't agree with 'em, but they aren't boring.
Being an Atheist with some influences from Buddhism, i barely ever get comments about my religion. It's more like the other way around here; Atheism is the norm and Christian kids are the oddballs... But noone really cares. The schools are basically religion-neutral with some Christian influences, but it's really nothing.

I got visited by some nice people from Jehova's Witnesses today. They asked me if i knew God by name and told me that "he" is actually called Jehova. I kindly informed them that i'm a Buddhist-Atheist, but noooooo, they continued yammering on about salvation and stuff. So i said "Sorry, you aren't going to convert me, have a nice day." and shut the door.

Those kinds of Christians bother me. A lot.
Otherwise it's all fine with me.
chcr said:
Ever been to a black baptist church? I don't agree with 'em, but they aren't boring.

I'd drink to that.

To the same effect, the sand mountain churches I'm forced to visit everytime I go to my friend's house.

Everywhere you look, there's either someone commenting [really loudly, if I may add], someone breaking into song and dance, or a mofia member looking at you mean with a weapon of some sort because you're not a reg.

it's kind of scary, but hell no, not boring.
freako104 said:
ralphie you have a point but sometimes it is not because lazy/scared/oppressesd. instead it is beaten into their heads at an early age. and they grow up to believe it
I consider myself that can be classified as opression also.
BTW I spoke today with a friend catholic friend who had read the whole bible, and she confirmed that she didn't find any reference agsint pre-marital sex not only in Jesus words, but in the whole bilble. I can't say what this no-sex advocates are striving for :shrug:
AlladinSane said:
I consider myself that can be classified as opression also.
BTW I spoke today with a friend catholic friend who had read the whole bible, and she confirmed that she didn't find any reference agsint pre-marital sex not only in Jesus words, but in the whole bilble. I can't say what this no-sex advocates are striving for :shrug:

maybe they're just stupid.

what can you expect from daddy's girls who get a new yacht every year and don't know the difference between 56k and broadband...

but then again, I still don't think highly of them since I'm the one who has to fix their computers every morning before school because they dropped it and it was turned on.
AlladinSane said:
I consider myself that can be classified as opression also.
BTW I spoke today with a friend catholic friend who had read the whole bible, and she confirmed that she didn't find any reference agsint pre-marital sex not only in Jesus words, but in the whole bilble. I can't say what this no-sex advocates are striving for :shrug:

they cant get laid and dont want anyone else to either :shrug: one of those our life sucks well make your life suck too
freako104 said:
they cant get laid and dont want anyone else to either :shrug: one of those our life sucks well make your life suck too

and you start to feel sorry for them until you stop and realize

'SHIT! ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY I CAN'T EITHER! You know what... [hands on hips] screw you. screw you all to hell.'