Religious priority?


Southern Discomfort
Taking the mile when the inch is given

A HOSPITAL porter has been suspended after a row over a crucifix being covered up in a prayer room.

The male porter had allegedly gone to use the room, which is available to visitors and staff of all faiths, at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital in Pendlebury, Salford.

When he entered the room the crucifix, which was on a table, had been covered with a cloth as several Muslims were using the room.

A source said: "The porter apparently asked them to remove the cloth when they had finished as he and others wanted to use the room later.

"There was then some kind of incident and as a result the porter was suspended. It is the talk of the hospital and many staff are astounded that the porter has been sent home, and feel he has been unfairly treated.

"It has been claimed that he was verbally abused by those in the prayer room."

I guess it was OK for them to cover it up (which I can understand), but too much to restore the room to the condition in which it was found after they were done. This man made a polite request; I can conceive of only one person here who would see it otherwise. They were given complete run of the room as long as they wanted it. But because more and more factions of society are bending over backwards to NOT offend a Muslim, this man is suspended from his job.

Tip of the cap to the Neal Boortz show for the story; I got to hear a brief summary of it but not his analysis. Intrigued me enough to track it down and read the story for myself though.
You'd need to ask the person who furnished it. For all I know, there was a menorah too. I doubt they had an altar for virgin sacrifice though.
either way, big fucking deal. does it really matter who lifts the cloth off of the cross? would it really hurt the christian guy to lift the cloth if the preceding group either

a) got sidetracked/distracted and forgot, or
b) intentionally left it - OMFG a piece of cloth what a burden! - on the cross.

sounds to me like somebody is just trolling for something to get upset about. the guy in england, too.
We can't be arsed to take this cloth off the crucifix. It's kind of like getting our women to lift the seat for us when they're done, don't you know.
either way, big fucking deal. does it really matter who lifts the cloth off of the cross?

Not until you consider the point of this thread.
SnP said:
But because more and more factions of society are bending over backwards to NOT offend a Muslim
which is rather obvious to everyone outside Seattle.
If it was even close to how much people bend over for christians there might be a point somewhere.
Yeah well I know Muslims (and remember I am quite near Seattle) who bend over backwards not to offend 'mericans.

The one in particular I am thinking most about lives by "Christian values" more than 90% of "christians" I have ever met, especially considering ones I meet on this board.
When in Rome, don't piss off the Romans.

That's what so many people won't see.

If I decided to relocate to a Muslim country tomnorrow, I would do so willing to accept that my faith was now a minority and possibly illegal. Among the reasons I ain't been studying up on my Arabic by the way. But here, Islam is not the majority religion...yet...give Shrillary half a chance and we'll all be riding camels and honor killing our daughters by 2010. To expect everybody to bend over backward to tolerate your minority beliefs is arrogant.
Well the important point that you both missed, because you both want to miss it, is that the guy is a better Christian than most "christians".

In case you did not know Muslims believe in the immaculate conception and believe in the teachings of Jesus, in addition to those of the prophet Mohamed.
To expect everybody to bend over backward to tolerate your minority beliefs is arrogant.

It's a nation built on freedom of religion so all of them should get equal treatment.

Of course when you have the minority beliefs you will simply say "the majority of people are idiots" like you so often do but if you happen to be in the majority that's all the justification you need.

That is hypocrisy.
Was there something in the article that anyone involved wasn't American (or Roman)?

Do catch up. I was referring to mark's post.

It's a nation built on freedom of religion so all of them should get equal treatment.

Hmmmm. I don't see that at all. In fact, the extent of our national religious freedoms is not allowing our government to make one. It's not about treatment of religions. It's not about fairness between religions. It's not about federal land being off limits to religious art/artifacts/sculptures/etc. It's about the government not creating a national religion nor stopping those who worship.