Do you really presume to tell Muslims what they believe?
no I go by what they say, and I'm speaking of Radicals.
I know there are decent Muslims, just as there are decent Christians.
But tell me why was it the the Taliban imprisoned, and even killed that Asian
Christian group.
Radical Anything is what is bad. I don't care way religion, or no religion.
Islam's prophet, Muhammad, believed Jesus was the Messiah, Allah's anointed messenger. Allah's people (Muslims) are told to listen to Allah's messengers (Koran, 4:171; 5: 111*).
From the Muslims
I know, some believe as Muhammad, did according to that, and some don't. I doesn't mean they aren't Muslim, and it doesn't mean
they are radical, but That is the way most Radicals look at it, from what I've seen.
Now about the belittling part, I'm very careful exactly how I word things (like Prof

and I do ride the line at times within my own ethics, but The BS flag, I knew would probably draw your Ire, so it was in fact provocative, and accomplish
exactly what I expected.
It just happened to be what I've experienced, and have taken from the people
I know. When I stereotype a group, it's because I believe it's the Majority,
not necessarily All, and Not a minority.
I am wrong in some cases, and I'm not above admitting it, I was trying to
light a fire under ya, to hopefully provoke you to look up some stuff, and you did.
Psychology is a powerful thing sometimes...ain't it.
I'll lay off the subject now, and let ya cool down, I'll even admit wrong, if you need more resolution.
Merry Christmas.