Rember when...


molṑn labé
Staff member
Pelosi said:
"Americans voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington DC and Democrats intend to lead the most honest, open and ethical Congress in history."
Pelosi said:
“Elect us, hold us accountable, and make a judgment and then go from there. But I do tell you that if the Democrats win and have substantial majorities, Congress of the United States will be more bipartisan,”

WASHINGTON (AP) — Majority Democrats rewrote House rules Tuesday on the first day of the new Congress to wipe out the small sliver of influence that minority Republicans finessed to win small victories on gun rights, immigration and an investigation of gasoline prices.

Democrats passed the bill over Republican objections, 242-181 on a mostly party-line vote.


The re-write of rules, many of which were written by Newt & crew under the Contract with America, gave the minority party some leeway in the House. It also limited length of terms a committee member could serve.

Bipartisanship, huh?

What does this mean? Lets start with HR1022. It'll now pass. With Eric Holder as AG, this bill will make selling virtually any gun illegal.

Mr Holder, it turns out, supported the DC gun ban that was overturned by the the Supreme Court, he is adamantly anti-gun & he does not believe the 2nd amendment is a right for the citizenry to bear arms. Nor does his boss.

...[a] 1996 questionnaire asked whether [Obama] supported banning the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns in Illinois. "Yes
USA Today

He's against semi-automatic weapons...much like your standard rifle or shotgun.

Gis website declared
"He will protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport, and use guns for the purposes of hunting and target shooting"

What about self protection?

Folks, you have about 11 days to get your weapons before "they" take office.

Good luck. We're gonna need it. The erosion begins now.
it escapes me how one could not successfully defend their own home with a pump shotgun and/or a good old .357mag wheelgun. those are guns too gonz.

meh, guns are for pussies, anyway. :D
At what point does the slope grow too slippery for you? After all, a .357 isn't a sporting weapon now is it?

Defend ones home....against who? A home invader or your governemnt-which is what the 2nd was placed for.
oh right i forgot about that.

well gonz, when the government thugs come around to your house (*yawn*), you're fucked regardless, but, regardless, there's not much that's more reliable and deadly than a 12 gauge at short range.

pistol grip pump on my lap at all times, beyotch!
keep handing away your rights & yawning...that pistol grip has to go. nancy says so.
yeah, it's a song. pistol grips are moronic anyway. standard 18" barrel remington 870 would be fine. thugs extra mean? put some slugs in it.
Handing away rights is it?

What then does the Patriot act do? Not a very patriotic piece of legislation at all. Our freedoms are far too important, no matter what the threat.

Like i have said before I don't see why assault rifles are banned, as that is right in line with what the founding fathers wanted. I just don't see the value in easily concealable handguns being easily available. Sure if I want to knock over a liquor store, but if I was defending my home, give me the Shotgun or a good AK47 any day of the week!
Gonz has repeatedly justified handing away freedoms with the justification being some vague sense he has that they'll be restored later. So that was sarcasm.

I suppose you're ready to run away from this thread now like you do in every other thread.
it escapes me how one could not successfully defend their own home with a pump shotgun and/or a good old .357mag wheelgun. those are guns too gonz.

meh, guns are for pussies, anyway. :D

First off, the pistol will be outlawed outright. The shotgun will have to be broken down, locked up in a safe and buried in concrete since you can't be trusted to control your anger. Oh, and the shotgun shells have to be stored off premise under motion detected alarms. It's just common sense you know.

BTW, Assault weapons have been banned since 1968 (or was it the laws passed in the 30s?). This is a ban on cosmetics, soon to be followed by a ban on semi-autos. Crap, there goes the Remington 1100 shotgun.

Oh well, pleasant dreams...*Yawn.
oh so dramatic! maybe if it gets really bad obama will come and chop off your dick and shove it up your ass! and you won't even be able to defend yourself!

That what you do. It's ok Gonz, we'll restore them at some later date.

History is on my side on what has been discussed, ad naseum, for the last 6 years. We are engaged in war.

Our right to bear arms is under assault from Americans.

I'd still like someone to point out the exact passage where we give away rightrs under the Patriot Act.
History is on my side on what has been discussed, ad naseum, for the last 6 years. We are engaged in war.

No, it's not. History is on the opposite of your side. You freely gave up freedoms American's had with some vague notion that maybe you'd get them back later.
You need to go over this again? Is this memory loss? WTF?

Let's see. Do you remember what freedoms you thought would be restored at a later date maybe?
I've given up no rights. Historically, during war time, Americans have given up rights & freedoms that have been completely restored at a later date, following the war, not always willingly or easily (what gov't relinquishes power easily) but they have been returned to the people.

Aain, I ask, what freedom have I, or you, lost in the last 7 years?
the way I see the patriot act....
"don't start none, won't be none"
use that big time power right, or risk revolt, and we need to get oversight of
Every damn thing under control.
You need to go over this again? Is this memory loss? WTF?

Let's see. Do you remember what freedoms you thought would be restored at a later date maybe?

always a question, never an answer. probably because he doesnt have an answer. so he asks more questions to avoid having to answer anything. kind of like running away without leaving, or even having to stfu.

i would be willing to bet that if this fellow were to be given a 'yes/no' test he would explode