Rember when...

You know one other thing that could prove helpful is to have some limited record of the balistic characteristics of each gun. I don't see that it would be very costly either. They have to test fire them to sell them, so how hard is it to take a few photos of the spent slug and keep that record with the serial number in a database? That way filing the numbers off would not help. One would have to file the numbers off and rebore the barrel. It sure would make it easy to track what gun fired what bullet.
America In The 22nd Century

The Fathers understood that to become a vital and functionally adult man or woman involved a positive progressive development; and part of the training of every boy and girl in focused America, from quite early ages, involved training for those adult roles. We did not have juvenile violence and teenaged anarchy among the children of focused families, because children had a sense of purpose; a sense of the importance of the male and female roles for which they were being prepared; a sense of joy in the role well-played, the job well done; the good feeling derived in service to those one loved, and a constructive pride in being who and what you were.

An important part of the training of a young lad, in the America the Fathers vouchsafed to us, included training in the correct and effective use of firearms. When the teenage boy was expected to know how to shoot, and shoot straight; we had a far safer Society. Threatened families did not have to wait for the Police to arrive, to deal with human predators. America had a huge ready reserve of effective would-be soldiers, to deal with any foreign foe. But above all, our youth had a constructive focus, and a growing realization that with proper application, they could be more and better with each developing year. And every year, starting well before puberty and extending into majority, saw a rapid increase in the adult responsibility delegated and assumed.

Well before a boy reached age 18, he was an accomplished marksman; his sister, an accomplished homemaker. The relative absence both of youthful violence and the sort of suicidal rage we see today, was not despite the greater familiarity with firearms, but in large part due to it and the acceptance of a sense of the responsibility that went with it.

Giving youth a sense of purpose and responsibility worked well in the American past. It worked well a thousand years before the birth of Christ. It will work well a thousand years after we all are gone and forgotten. On the other hand, when you both coddle and demean youth, while assigning a "forbidden fruit" aura to items long accepted, you ask for trouble. This has nothing to do with Conservative or "Liberal" theories. It is the reality of human nature. It will not be repealed by charlatans or cowards, fawners or usurpers.
Well before a boy reached age 18, he was an accomplished marksman; his sister, an accomplished homemaker. The relative absence both of youthful violence and the sort of suicidal rage we see today, was not despite the greater familiarity with firearms, but in large part due to it and the acceptance of a sense of the responsibility that went with it.

Sounds like a theory and not fact. I'd like to see some numbers on youthful violence then compared to now. ;)
Sounds like another theory and not fact. It's based on the idea that not having guns coddles and demeans youth which is a pretty crazy statement. It also assumes they are portrayed as forbidden fruit when there could be a simple disinterest.

All in all not a very rational article.
You know one other thing that could prove helpful is to have some limited record of the balistic characteristics of each gun. I don't see that it would be very costly either. They have to test fire them to sell them, so how hard is it to take a few photos of the spent slug and keep that record with the serial number in a database? That way filing the numbers off would not help. One would have to file the numbers off and rebore the barrel. It sure would make it easy to track what gun fired what bullet.

um, yeah, there's a simple problem with this.

barrels are freely available as replacement parts. parts - other than the frame or receiver part - are not not considered firearms and are not and should never be track-able by themselves. hey man maybe you can figure out how to micro etch serial numbers into springs and shit. maybe then you could also make suggestions on how to most tactfully install surveillance cameras in everyones' bedrooms. :hmm:
um, yeah, there's a simple problem with this.

barrels are freely available as replacement parts. parts - other than the frame or receiver part - are not not considered firearms and are not and should never be track-able by themselves. hey man maybe you can figure out how to micro etch serial numbers into springs and shit. maybe then you could also make suggestions on how to most tactfully install surveillance cameras in everyones' bedrooms. :hmm:

I am no expert on firearms, but thanks for the education.

So I suppose guns and ammo should be in the kitchenware department in every supermarket? (I know that's not the point you try to make). :gun:

It just seems to me with all the technology there should be some way to make it easier for the police to solve firearm related crime. The founding fathers wanted us to be able to bear arms to defend against oppressive government, not make crime easier. If it came down to an armed rebellion because the government had gone way too far, I don't think they are going to have the resources to track licenses and ballistics.

If you are talking about some crackpot white supremacists fighting for their right to kick ass for the white race and then hide on their secluded acreage thats crime, not oppressive government.

Take the Waco situation though. I think the government way overstepped it's bounds on that one and the people did die, but even in their death they had a weapon the government can't stop, it's that glowing screen you are looking at now.
Take the Waco situation though. I think the government way overstepped it's bounds on that one and the people did die,

Consider the nonchalant way that is looked at....the gov't went too far, la dee da...maybe next time.

We should all be outraged, still. Janet Reno should have lost her job....the BATF should have been disbanded. Instead, we talked about bowjobs for two years.

Guns are a right for every citizen. Nowhere does it say ballistics tested & registered guns. Those take away our right. Ask the folks in New Orleans.