Aain, I ask, what freedom have I, or you, lost in the last 7 years?
hey, if it hasn't happened to YOU, specifically, why would you ever object?
Aain, I ask, what freedom have I, or you, lost in the last 7 years?
I've given up no rights. Historically, during war time, Americans have given up rights & freedoms that have been completely restored at a later date, following the war, not always willingly or easily (what gov't relinquishes power easily) but they have been returned to the people.
Aain, I ask, what freedom have I, or you, lost in the last 7 years?
hey, if it hasn't happened to YOU, specifically, why would you ever object?
If you make an excuse that freedoms might be restored at some vague later date then by definition you have admitted that you gave up those freedoms.
I'm not sure what's happened to you that you keep putting these freedoms out of your mind. Warrantless wiretaps and searches and the ability of the government to hold citizens without trial indefinitely would be a good place to start.
You don't need a warrant to tape the phone call of a non-U.S. citizen over seas. Exec Order 12333 states that the Intel community can not monitor U.S. citizens here or abroad. If they are doing surveilence and they discover that U.S. persons are involved, they much cease immediately. An exception has been made (which Obama voted for after much bluster and ranting) that allows the Intel community to keep monitoring a call made by a suspected terrorist overseas to someone in the U.S.
I don't suppose you have any examples of a warrantless search, do you?
As for the Jose Padilla case, yeah, not too happy about that one. Not that I have any simpathy for him, but as a U.S. citizen, he should have been tried for treason.
What US CITIZEN has been, or is being held, indefintately, without trial? There are several enemy combatants that fit that bill but all the Americans have beed tried.
One question...has it happened?
What about self protection?
Folks, you have about 11 days to get your weapons before "they" take office.
Good luck. We're gonna need it. The erosion begins now.
You don't need a warrant to tape the phone call of a non-U.S. citizen over seas. Exec Order 12333 states that the Intel community can not monitor U.S. citizens here or abroad. If they are doing surveilence and they discover that U.S. persons are involved, they much cease immediately.
I also can't see anything a responsible owner should have a big problem with
Among the more controversial provisions of the bill are requirements that all handgun owners submit to the federal government a photo, thumb print and mental heath records. Further, the bill would order the attorney general to establish a database of every handgun sale, transfer and owner's address in America.
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." T. Jefferson.
What is the purpose of tracking the firearms of law-abiding citizens while criminals sit back untouched and laugh?
"Never Forget, even for an instant, that the one and only reason anybody has for taking your gun away is to make you weaker than he is, so he can do something to you that you wouldn't allow him to do if you were equipped to prevent it. This goes for burglars, muggers, and rapists, and even more so for policemen, bureaucrats, and politicians."
What is the purpose of tracking the firearms of law-abiding citizens while criminals sit back untouched and laugh?