Right to privacy? Not any more.

Two things. First off, I didn't say anything about gays being good, bad, or anything else. Second, I'm first in line to tear anyone (regardless of creed, colour, sexuality or gender) a new asshole for child abuse. When you get around to having a point as opposed to spouting retoric, lemme know.

I know i was just putting that out there, i know people who think if the parents are gay, then they are automatically bad parents. they don't even think about the "regular?" couples that abuse and hate there childern.
Somehow, I think that he's got more issues with the medically assisted portion of the equation - as opposed to 'how nature intended it'.
Its not natural
I don't see why a hetero couple should necessarily rank above a homo couple. :shrug:

perhaps as social expediency (less to explain, less likelyhood to raise eyebrows among buttheads, et cetera)?

but, yeah, in substance, um, yups. it's a shitty distinction.
I'm requesting a thread-split. The conv has gone in a completely different direction than the topic at hand.

No kidding .. It went way off track :D .. still a good conversation though - but a tough one because so many people feel so strongly about parenthood. I can see Prof and spike's points - and both make great arguments and great points.

I've seen far too many people who are parents who really shouldn't be .. and I've seen far too many people who aren't parents who deserve to be. I don't think I've ever had a stand as far as in-vitro methods go so I really don't have an opinion on that nor do I think I want one LOL. I just think that children have a right to a good life with loving caretaker(s) regardless of their ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic standing, etc. No parents are perfect - even the hetero ones - we've all made mistakes.
I don't see why a hetero couple should necessarily rank above a homo couple. :shrug:
It's a soft ranking IMO...children need role models from both genders. Whether that's biological parents, adoptive parents, extended family, friends etc..is irrelevant. It's just easier to pull off with hetero couples :shrug: