Rita's victims wealthier than Katrina's

paul_valaru said:
so they had places to live before, and food to eat, and a life, now they should live in a ditch, or just die...nice.

No, but don't you think that putting said people up at the Holiday Inn for the entire time is perhaps a little over generous?
Let's go with the simplest method. Why should I be expected to hold my own & care for myself & mine when the gov't is willing to hand out everything? Free housing, free utilities, free food, free phone (it's now a right don't ya know).

If I can do it, believe me, anyone can.
Professur said:
No, but don't you think that putting said people up at the Holiday Inn for the entire time is perhaps a little over generous?

the marriott is overgenerous, a roof and running water is normal, and if all the shelters are full, where do you put the rest?
Gonz said:
Let's go with the simplest method. Why should I be expected to hold my own & care for myself & mine when the gov't is willing to hand out everything? Free housing, free utilities, free food, free phone (it's now a right don't ya know).

If I can do it, believe me, anyone can.

I know your veiws on welfare, but if it was your way, these people would be dead, maybe some where milking the system before, what about the rest that needed that help to live, and feed their children.
paul_valaru said:
I know your veiws on welfare, but if it was your way, these people would be dead, maybe some where milking the system before, what about the rest that needed that help to live, and feed their children.

If it was my way, these people would be pouring pavement on I65 in Kentucky. They'd be cleaning up NO. They'd be rebuilding & not whining.

I'm not against helping the needy. I'm against helping the lazy.
paul_valaru said:
the marriott is overgenerous, a roof and running water is normal, and if all the shelters are full, where do you put the rest?

I'm thinking tent cities are good enough for the armed forces.

And before you you go off, know this. I'm a big, big supporter of stuff like Habitat for humanity. People don't respect anything unless they've worked for it. Get them back in there working to rebuild their own homes. Food, cover, and a roof.
paul_valaru said:
so they had places to live before,

Paid for by my tax dollars, withheld from me against my will.

paul_valaru said:
and food to eat,

Paid for by my tax dollars, withheld from me against my will.

paul_valaru said:
and a life,

of sloth, days filled with spending my tax dollars, withheld from me against my will.

paul_valaru said:
now they should live in a ditch, or just die...nice.

If they are unWILLing to work to provide for themselves, sure. Why not? There is no excuse for anyone in this country to be hungry. None. IF a person is able-bodied, they can contribute to their own upkeep in some meaningful way. Laying on your back, grabbing your ankles, squeezing out another baby by another different man, is not contributing to the solution. It's fostering another generation of lazy do nothings with their respective hands out.

I know. Some of them are at the annual family reunions.

You cannot help a man long term by doing for him what he could and should do for himself.
SouthernN'Proud said:
If they are unWILLing to work to provide for themselves, sure. Why not? There is no excuse for anyone in this country to be hungry. None. IF a person is able-bodied, they can contribute to their own upkeep in some meaningful way.

Thank you!
SouthernN'Proud said:
If they are unWILLing to work .

That's always been the crux of my problem with charity. I'm more than willing to help the unable. Although, IMHO, that's their family's job, not mine. But too many charitable organisations don't screen their users. I personally know of someone who collected 7 turkeys one christmas season. One from each of the charities they'd signed onto. Now, IMHO, that's theft, as I told them as much.
Oh, and by the way, congrats to everyone for not having read the title of this thread before jumping in.
SouthernN'Proud said:
You cannot help a man long term by doing for him what he could and should do for himself.
Which is pretty much why I'd prefer job-training and/or a service to help find people work to go along with every request for charity.

You have someone applying for unemployment. Great. We'll see you Monday morning 9am. Here are some computers, a phone, photocopier, fax machine, daily newspapers and a list of available jobs in the area. Start looking. At noon, you can go for lunch. Computer classes start at 1pm. Be there.
We need welders/plumbers/electricians/etc in the area. We have those classes too..which one do you want to be? Don't show up 9am -5pm. Ya get docket 1 day of UI. Don't show effort at finding a job, refuse to go to interviews, refuse an offered reasonable job? No more UI. Have fun!
As for the thread - more transportation means and more incentive to leave (through example). Makes sence.
MrBishop said:
Which is pretty much why I'd prefer job-training and/or a service to help find people work to go along with every request for charity.

It's available at the very offices they have to go to for food stamps and unemployment checks. Somehow, those rarely get filled out though.

As to the rest of your reply, granted, it's daunting. Especially with a sixth grade education, at which point you just quit going because Jerry Springer is more entertaining. Besides, you can make $50/day spotting for the dope man down on the corner...who needs school?