
Aunty Em said:
Aww come on, funny as they are to us, computer technicians would be out of a job if there weren't any technologically challenged people about. :)

Just take their money and laugh about them when they've gone. :D

I just meant they should give me the nice laptops and stick to breaking desktop machines ;)

I'm all for laughing at the technologically challenged :rofl2:
aunty em said:
That and the 2 CDs in the drive came a close second. It's completely beyond me how anyone can be so stupid...
i do that occasionally especially when it's dark and i haven't used a cd in a while, but forgot that it's still in the drive. what used to really get me was when i'd pop in a game cd on top of another, start playing the original game not realizing that i had intended to play the other one. i liked the exploding gnome one :lol2:
Arris said:
Luis G said:
Professur said:
If you saw the number of coffee stains in cd drawers I've seen, that refrain would be beating a tatoo across your mind 24/7

I have a new one for that, "hey the laptop's holder will not open anymore"

People that ignorant of technology should not have the privilege of a laptop. :grumpy:

My thoughts, however there are some schools here where is mandatory to have a laptop, obviously many of them don't have a clue about puters.