Run Aways

its cool. It took me a while to know it too.

Seriously I will say this now. I have seen abusive parents. I mean they insulted their kids, kicked their kids out, put marriage in front of childs well being. and the worst one I can think of is where a girls stepmother told her to kill herself. flat out. and none of them ran away. they are trying to face their problems. easy? fucking pulling teeth. not easy. but it has to be done.
Ok, and?

I'm sorry, just not seeing much reason to run yet. Nor seeing any reason to give you some justification for running.
firstly, I note that you never answered the question as to how you were planning to feed and house yourself.

secondly, wanna hear some grownup stress? what you're running TO?

I have more bills than I have income right now...and I'm trying to get caught up, and I'm almost there, so it's looking up, but right now that's leaving me with about $100 a week to feed clothe and entertain my 3 kids.

I have 3 kids, and NOONE to help me at all. I have to do everything. Cooking, cleaning, house maintenance, feeding, supervising, entertaining, educating, and all the while I have to have a smile upon my face and not take my stress out on them.

You talk about being cussed out? How 'bout children who you work your ass off and give up everything for being little ASSHOLES and totally disrespecting everything you do for them. My 5 year old a few months ago told me shut the fuck up motherfucker.

girl, I'd love to run away but unfortunately in life we all have responsibilities, and at this time in your life yours is taking advantage of the free education/roof/food you've got while you've got it.

Because I was dumb and got married right out of school, I don't have what it takes to find work which will let me support my for the next 5 years I get to live poor and alone and struggle through doing everything all on my own for me and my kids and trying to get the education I need to be able to support us properly.

and all the while, my 3 children will be going along on their merry way, and likely not seeing what I'm doing for them, and feeling like I'm picking on them and being mean and horrible and doing all they can to subvert my rules and do what they want, and likely constantly talking to their friends about me being a bitch/running away. So if I'm lucky, maybe I only have to wait till they're in their 20's or 30's before they've been to the school of life themselves before I will get a whit of appreciation for all I've done.

I don't know your family nor your situation but from what i'm seeing, it would behoove you to maybe actually HELP your parental unit(s), and have a better attitude at home, do what it is you're supposed to do with a smile on your face, quit your bitching, and last but not least, stop giving them reasons to cuss at you. :shrug:
kinda moot, if she runs away she'll not be able to afford it anyway. and there aren't many ditches which come equipped with power outlets to charge em with.
HomeLAN said:
Yeah, so far this is the same old shit. Goes with being 14-15.

Totally agree with that. I got cussed out plenty as a teenager and all. Even wanted to kill myself a few times. Then I looked at the bigger picture. I wanted to continue to live and I learnt to deal with it or tried to ignore it. Eventually, I moved out. Running away is no excuse and there are always other options. Running away for those reasons is just plain stupid behaviour.
Just to interject here. While (as a parent) I agree fully about how teenagers whine and are incredibly selfish, there is another side to look at. and we must not forget it. It's that a parent must always cushion their words. A hug and a harsh word. Never just the harsh word. To often today, parents expect too much from their kids. Wanting them to be as little bother as possible.

It's a very fine line we walk. And if our children can't see that line for what it is, maybe it's not entirely their fault. A child who's given no dignity soon develops a cinderella complex. (Oh woe is me)
Normally, I'd agree with you, but in this case, the possible repurcussions are severe enough that I'll give up the warm cuddlies to get the message across.

We do Nekhebet no favors by trying to sugar coat anything on this one.
Read, re-read & then re-re-read Leslies story. That is not uncommon. It's even worse, by far, for runaways.
Nekhebet said:
Well think of being cussed at every few minutes and such.

ok. my parents and I and my sister talk like that. we never actually say fuck you or anything but we swear a lot.

And stress from school work and getting angry at everyone around me.

yea thats normal shit. Ive known people to be in worse and they didnt run
running away is just too cool these days. you're independent! you are rebellious! you can do whatever you want! no one to boss you around!
and! it's even more fun than that! untrustworthy people! drugs! those are really fun! AND!! maybe you'll even get raped :) i bet that's just what you always wanted. and, if you're lucky... you could even get abducted, maybe even murdered if you ask really nice.

why can't i be that cool? *rolls eyes*!
Leslie said:
firstly, I note that you never answered the question as to how you were planning to feed and house yourself.

secondly, wanna hear some grownup stress? what you're running TO?

I have more bills than I have income right now...and I'm trying to get caught up, and I'm almost there, so it's looking up, but right now that's leaving me with about $100 a week to feed clothe and entertain my 3 kids.

I have 3 kids, and NOONE to help me at all. I have to do everything. Cooking, cleaning, house maintenance, feeding, supervising, entertaining, educating, and all the while I have to have a smile upon my face and not take my stress out on them.

You talk about being cussed out? How 'bout children who you work your ass off and give up everything for being little ASSHOLES and totally disrespecting everything you do for them. My 5 year old a few months ago told me shut the fuck up motherfucker.

girl, I'd love to run away but unfortunately in life we all have responsibilities, and at this time in your life yours is taking advantage of the free education/roof/food you've got while you've got it.

Because I was dumb and got married right out of school, I don't have what it takes to find work which will let me support my for the next 5 years I get to live poor and alone and struggle through doing everything all on my own for me and my kids and trying to get the education I need to be able to support us properly.

and all the while, my 3 children will be going along on their merry way, and likely not seeing what I'm doing for them, and feeling like I'm picking on them and being mean and horrible and doing all they can to subvert my rules and do what they want, and likely constantly talking to their friends about me being a bitch/running away. So if I'm lucky, maybe I only have to wait till they're in their 20's or 30's before they've been to the school of life themselves before I will get a whit of appreciation for all I've done.

I don't know your family nor your situation but from what i'm seeing, it would behoove you to maybe actually HELP your parental unit(s), and have a better attitude at home, do what it is you're supposed to do with a smile on your face, quit your bitching, and last but not least, stop giving them reasons to cuss at you. :shrug:

Ain't life as a grown up grand? :(

I always remember when I was about 12.....I was going through a "the world hates me" phase and I asked my dad if things got easier when yer were grown up, left school and all that shit........he laughed so hard he nearly did himself an injury :D Old bugger wouldn't answer me......and now I know why :eh:

Nekhebet.......if yer think being cussed at is a reason to run from yer trouble, then yer gonna be running for a long time........about 70 years I reckon :(