Run Aways

Nekhebet said:
His mom will pay for what she called me, if not by the Lord, then by me.

So now you play religion into the equation? I think it is funny how you think that everyone should be on your side. :lol2:

No but really...

Grow up. As I said before.
Nekhebet said:
I am in a confusing stage of my life.

You certainly are.
I think most people get confused around that age.

This is the time you really need to start applying logic to your
Life is just a series of decisions. They define who you are, and who
you may be. There are hard decision, and easy ones.
To learn how to make decisions, start small. Think about every
"little" thing you do during a day, and make an option out of it.
Step back when you have to make a decision and think about it....
"will doing it this way benefit me" "yes, no, now, or later"?
Leslie said:
what exactly is wrong with this exactly?
stopping you from associating with an obvious loser?

It seems to be what any sane parent would do in this situation :confuse3:

Like Tonksy said love, she is rebelling. She is 14. She is young and confused.

Nek its for the best you keep away from these dickheads. I hope you find a good guy one day. and like the others especially Kittie have said: grow up a little. enjoy being a kid but dont be so damn reckless.
Running away. Hell. I think about it every day. I think on the way to work that I"ll just run away and not have to deal with it.

Sadly, life, real life, doesn't work like that. Leslie's already provided a grand example, so I won't expand.

My mom wanted to run away when she was younger once. I suppose all kids go through it. Her mom sat her down and said, "oh, you want to run away? Well, we can't have you going anywhere on an empty stomach."

I believe nona (mom's mom) helped her pack her little bag and then sat her down at the table and made lunch for her.

After lunch mom decided it was rather nice being at home and didn't run away after all.

How Would You LIke It If You Have To See Two Shrinks! Then Talk With The School Counslor! Then You Have To Talk With A Deputy! Not Fun!there i have had my say
self-assessment is never pleasant if you're honest with yourself, Nekhebet, no matter what age you are

try and see this as an opportunity to learn something about yourself, and your patterns of behaviour.... then take that information and use it to move forward :)
Nekhebet said:
How Would You LIke It If You Have To See Two Shrinks! Then Talk With The School Counslor! Then You Have To Talk With A Deputy! Not Fun!there i have had my say

Then stop boosting cars and running to Florida. I'm sorry, but you did this one to yourself.
Nek, my dear, considering that you have no idea what I have to do in a day, mind your manners. Personally, I should think you'd be grateful to have the chance to see any shrinks, counslors or deputies, considering that your badly planned attempt at adulthood could easily have seen you dead.

You did something stupid. Own up to it, and deal with the consequences. Appreciate that people are trying to give you a second chance, and to help you.

What you did was not cool. It was not adult. It wasn't even rebellious. It was a temper tantrum. You may as well have thrown yourself to the floor and kicked your heels. But that hasn't sunk in yet, has it. You still think you're smarter than everyone else. You didn't post this here to hear other peoples opinions. You did it to brag.

I'm not impressed.
[quote="Nek's profile]I love to read, write, draw, and beat my friends up [/quote]

That about sums up your personality, doesn't it. You don't give a damn about anyone but yourself. Shame you didn't die in that wreck. The world would be well rid of you.
Nekhebet said:
I didn't steal the car for your information. I just got in it with me boyfriend.

Holy shit.

I give up. Best of luck to your parents, they're gonna need it for the next few years.
Nekhebet said:
How Would You LIke It If You Have To See Two Shrinks! Then Talk With The School Counslor! Then You Have To Talk With A Deputy! Not Fun!there i have had my say



Sweet mother of peril. YOU NEED TO SEE ABOUT 20 "COUNSLORS"!

And you should damn well live with a shrink, cause that may be the only way to get through your thick skull.
Nekhebet said:
How Would You LIke It If You Have To See Two Shrinks! Then Talk With The School Counslor! Then You Have To Talk With A Deputy! Not Fun!there i have had my say

You think that's not fun? Wait until ten years time when yer living in a trailer......six screaming kids demanding your attention and your counting down the days towards your husbands parole meeting :)

Because that's where yer headed if ya don't start using your brain ;)

(oh, and I wouldn't worry too much about the parents/teachers/counsellors that seem such a hassle at the moment, as soon as you reach 18 they'll wash their hands of you.....and probably be glad they did).