
Well-Known Member
Inspired by Mr Bish's winter contempt thread I had to ask OTC members

Do any of you suffer from mild to significant S.A.D?

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Some people suffer from symptoms of depression during the winter months, with symptoms subsiding during the spring and summer months. This may be a sign of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a mood disorder associated with depression episodes and related to seasonal variations of light.

Couldn't really tell 'cause the daylight time of the days is very much the same throughout the whole year :shrug:
when I learned about this in abnormal psych I honestly somewhat dismissed it. Not saying it doesnt happen per se but that I think there is more to it.
my mom does. she gets really down not only when it's winter, but even when it's just gloomy.
sometimes when i get depressed, i turn on as many lights as possible, but i don't think that's directly related.
Back in Jersey I used to REAL BAD...Especially January and February. When it would get dark at 5:00 pm. Last year I think it was just because of the move and missing family and friends. Hoping this year I won't. Learned though that tanning salon helps with depression alittle.
Our weather is so rubbish up here that I reckon most people suffer from it... I know I do... although I like winter.. the clothes (they have more style) cuddling up by the fire, Christmas, huge warm meals... by about March when its still freezing and overcast and grey I honestly feel terrible!
Bah. People you're missing the whole point of winter. The snuggling under a comforter on the couch, by a warm fire. The beautifully clear night skys. The plethora of fun provided by snow. Not to mention the early darkness driving everyone to bed while they're still energetic enough to enjoy it.

Damn it, people. You're grumbling about the opportunity of a lifetime.
I enjoy the cuddling up under a blanket, etc, etc for the most part, but I do sometimes get down. There's just not always enough sunlight, I drive home it's pitch black out, traffic is awful morning and night, it's cold, I hate wearing boots, heavy jackets, gloves, hats.........I'm just not that much of a winter person.

I do enjoy the first snowfall when everything is beautiful and white and looks so peacefull, but then you get the slush, dirty snow, cars splashing people on the sidewalks. YUCK!
We have to get you and Paul up to the cottage during the winter. Do either of you x-country ski?
Professur said:
Bah. People you're missing the whole point of winter. The snuggling under a comforter on the couch, by a warm fire. The beautifully clear night skys. The plethora of fun provided by snow. Not to mention the early darkness driving everyone to bed while they're still energetic enough to enjoy it.

Damn it, people. You're grumbling about the opportunity of a lifetime.

What about playing in the snow? But I am still a summer person. Hate cold except for the snow. Love warmth
I mentionned that. The plethora of fun.

The thing people forget is that snow isn't cold. It's actually quite warm, at 32F. It's when your body heat melts it, and then exposes wet skin to the 10F air that you've got problems. If you can keep yourself properly dry, you stay warm. In fact, most people's problem is that they dress too heavy and start to sweat. Sweat defeats even the best insulation. A couple of wool sweaters and a light windbreaker are better than the best parka going. Wool stays warm even when wet, unlike cotton, which becomes worse than useless (remember than when you're buying socks).
Professur said:
Do either of you x-country ski?

well last time i went a frozen lake I was crossing wasn't so frozen, since then stuck to alpine...and that has been years too.

oh and S.A.D. ?

big time
Professur said:
We have to get you and Paul up to the cottage during the winter. Do either of you x-country ski?

I haven't gone cross country skiing in ages. I use to enjoy it though.
MrsBish gets SAD big time. It's a deficiency of vitamin D due to a lowering of sunlight during the winter months. Your skin produces it when in contact with sunlight...nice, eh?

No sunlight, low vitamin...sadness :(

My sister has her on supplments and I've got 'true light' bulbs to help lower the effects.
Since moving from the sunny southwest to the midwest, I've noticed a change in ny winter moods. SAD, the cold or cloudy day after cloudy day...take your pick.
If you both still have your equipment, and I know Bish and his missus do, let's make a day of it.
the more i think about it, i do get really depressed in winter. but i think that might be just because of the holidays. for some reason, being around constant plastic cheeriness can really push you down.