Southern Discomfort
Holy Rows
A Church of England school in London has been told that a new school it is helping to build and manage cannot carry the name of Christian saint because it might offend people of other faiths, reports the Daily Telegraph.
The scrap is over the name of a high school to be built in Islington. Local officials want to absorb the existing St Mary Magdalene Church of England Primary School into a new City Academy, but don’t want to keep the name of the old school on the new one.
The church, which is contributing two million pounds toward the new facilities, would rather keep the existing name, which has stood since 1710.
So lemme see if I have this straight. The Church of England is the primary financial force for the building of a school it will also oversee, but it cannot give this school a Christian name because it might offend people of other faiths??!!!
Last time I looked around, "other faiths" didn't seem to be overly concerned over whether they offended me or not. One would imagine that a Muslim school would bear a name reflective of their dedication to their faith and ideal, and no one would raise a stink about it. Same for a Jewish school, or Catholic, or snake handlin' for that matter. But Christian schools have to be careful not to offend those of other faiths.
*I know the Catholic faith is a Christian faith. I picked them simply for an example, nothing more.*
So am I, an Appalachian American male, to be offended if someone in NYC opens Achnad's Deli? How about Yoder's Market, the local Menonite merchantile...should THAT offend me? I'm not a Menonite, and Yoder is a pretty easily identifiable name doncha think?
Our society had an opportunity years ago to grind this PC nonsense under our collective heels, and didn't take it. Now we reap. The next question is, what do we sow next?
A Church of England school in London has been told that a new school it is helping to build and manage cannot carry the name of Christian saint because it might offend people of other faiths, reports the Daily Telegraph.
The scrap is over the name of a high school to be built in Islington. Local officials want to absorb the existing St Mary Magdalene Church of England Primary School into a new City Academy, but don’t want to keep the name of the old school on the new one.
The church, which is contributing two million pounds toward the new facilities, would rather keep the existing name, which has stood since 1710.
So lemme see if I have this straight. The Church of England is the primary financial force for the building of a school it will also oversee, but it cannot give this school a Christian name because it might offend people of other faiths??!!!
Last time I looked around, "other faiths" didn't seem to be overly concerned over whether they offended me or not. One would imagine that a Muslim school would bear a name reflective of their dedication to their faith and ideal, and no one would raise a stink about it. Same for a Jewish school, or Catholic, or snake handlin' for that matter. But Christian schools have to be careful not to offend those of other faiths.
*I know the Catholic faith is a Christian faith. I picked them simply for an example, nothing more.*
So am I, an Appalachian American male, to be offended if someone in NYC opens Achnad's Deli? How about Yoder's Market, the local Menonite merchantile...should THAT offend me? I'm not a Menonite, and Yoder is a pretty easily identifiable name doncha think?
Our society had an opportunity years ago to grind this PC nonsense under our collective heels, and didn't take it. Now we reap. The next question is, what do we sow next?