Saint Who?


Southern Discomfort
Holy Rows

A Church of England school in London has been told that a new school it is helping to build and manage cannot carry the name of Christian saint because it might offend people of other faiths, reports the Daily Telegraph.

The scrap is over the name of a high school to be built in Islington. Local officials want to absorb the existing St Mary Magdalene Church of England Primary School into a new City Academy, but don’t want to keep the name of the old school on the new one.

The church, which is contributing two million pounds toward the new facilities, would rather keep the existing name, which has stood since 1710.


So lemme see if I have this straight. The Church of England is the primary financial force for the building of a school it will also oversee, but it cannot give this school a Christian name because it might offend people of other faiths??!!!

Last time I looked around, "other faiths" didn't seem to be overly concerned over whether they offended me or not. One would imagine that a Muslim school would bear a name reflective of their dedication to their faith and ideal, and no one would raise a stink about it. Same for a Jewish school, or Catholic, or snake handlin' for that matter. But Christian schools have to be careful not to offend those of other faiths.


*I know the Catholic faith is a Christian faith. I picked them simply for an example, nothing more.*

So am I, an Appalachian American male, to be offended if someone in NYC opens Achnad's Deli? How about Yoder's Market, the local Menonite merchantile...should THAT offend me? I'm not a Menonite, and Yoder is a pretty easily identifiable name doncha think?

Our society had an opportunity years ago to grind this PC nonsense under our collective heels, and didn't take it. Now we reap. The next question is, what do we sow next?
Its starting to become the norm in this country... with ever decreasing numbers in the churchs and larger numbers of "dont knows don't cares" "confused" humanists and atheists... I think its fair.

In my opinion, as an educator, faith and belief should be left at home and in the home, for the family to stipulate and enforce. Actual "Faith schools" only lead to segregation and prejudice. School should develop the whole child without an emphasis on faith or religion.

We haven't, however, become quite as stonch as France... there Muslim girls are stopped from wearing their required head dresses and Catholics can not wear crosses.
Sorry, I am an atheist but if the church wants to build a school they can name it after whomever they please. Unless, of course, the government subsidizes the school.
chcr said:
Sorry, I am an atheist but if the church wants to build a school they can name it after whomever they please. Unless, of course, the government subsidizes the school.

It was a comment on importance and relevance actually...

I attended 6th form in a Catholic school "St Anthony's Girls' School" the vast majority of the girls had never SEEN the inside of a church since confirmation except when under duress with the school...

By placing a denomination on the school theyr'e closing the doors to capable children who would benefit from their facilities.

Schools here are actually majority state funded... but "funded" or "aided" by the diosis... churchs do not pay the full wack... Hense the insistance on a name change on merger :shrug:

There are "private" fee paying schools for the Christian faiths, Islam and Judaism... then as you say... keep your name! You've payed for it!
Ummm...something was missed in this, so I'll cut and paste it here...

The church, which is contributing two million pounds toward the new facilities, would rather keep the existing name, which has stood since 1710.

Now...even though the church is contributing 2 million pounds (close to 4 million dollars), and the name of the school it is replacing is from 1710, people choose now to be offended? It's not like they're being forced to pray there...It's just a name.
Gonz said:
Along with the cash.

Our schools are aided and funded... after teaching in both the facilities are actually no different... except that the aided/funded schools can give uniform grants and each child receives a Bible (I've only taught in CofE or Catholic school)... and they have a few more carefully sellected books in the library! :shrug:
Gato_Solo said:
Ummm...something was missed in this, so I'll cut and paste it here...

The church, which is contributing two million pounds toward the new facilities, would rather keep the existing name, which has stood since 1710.

Now...even though the church is contributing 2 million pounds (close to 4 million dollars), and the name of the school it is replacing is from 1710, people choose now to be offended? It's not like they're being forced to pray there...It's just a name.

1710 was a very different Britain from today.... as was even 1980!

We are now a truly multi racial, multi cultural, multi ethnic society... what wasn't a problem then is now... and a merger is a good excuse to become PC!
ClaireBear said:
1710 was a very different Britain from today.... as was even 1980!

We are now a truly multi racial, multi cultural, multi ethnic society... what wasn't a problem then is now... and a merger is a good excuse to become PC!

Sorry, but I tend to disagree on one point...How can a country claim to be multi-cultural when it suppresses the very culture that started it's existence? It's also a bit condescending to the other cultures that are there, because the main, root, culture has to be oppressed, meaning that the new culture isn't strong enough on it's own. PC is nothing more than a ploy...a scam-job...created by the 'intellectual elite' to suppress the ideas that they do not like. ;)
In the end, Stalin with own Europe without a single shot ever having been fired. It may not be specifically Stalin, or his group, but tin the end our friends will slowly rot from the inside.

Much as we may do for the exact same reasons...we are at least slowing our rot down temporarily.
MrBishop said:
What's in a name? Let'em keep the name f'r Crissakes!


Exactly. If someone is offended, then, too bad. Life isn't going to treat you like you're made of spun sugar...Little things like this shouldn't even be an issue...
its a name. the other thing is that the church is helping it if not building it so why cant they name it?
I think some of you wouldn't wanna be sending your kids to Yasser Arafat High School.
Leslie said:
I think some of you wouldn't wanna be sending your kids to Yasser Arafat High School.

I'd like to know if Arafat sponsored a school just so I could avoid it.
Leslie said:
I think some of you wouldn't wanna be sending your kids to Yasser Arafat High School.

Is it a good a good neighborhood? Sorry, but I'm programmed like that. If there's no difference between shit and manure, why are there 2 names? :confused:
Gato_Solo said:
PC is nothing more than a ploy...a scam-job...created by the 'intellectual elite' to suppress the ideas that they do not like. ;)

Gotta agree with you there! ;)

I'm very very very PC! :D

Maybe the PC merchants are trying to control the masses where religion has now failed.
Gato_Solo said:
Is it a good a good neighborhood? Sorry, but I'm programmed like that. If there's no difference between shit and manure, why are there 2 names? :confused:

Its not just a name though... its what the name stands for... being called ...
"Saint Elizabeth of Scratchy Bums Infant School" would alienate, perhaps for example, the Muslim community from enroling their children there whether it be a good school or not... whether it will be a "faith school" or not!

Incidentally... all "non-denominational state schools" in Blighty follow Church of England values in assembly and celebration.... but parents have the right to have their children opt out of "assembly" basically worship by another name!