Same old same old?

paul_valaru said:
you seem to be missing the point between workplace conduct and social conduct.

In the world I live in, they are much the same. If one must spend, 8, 10, 12 hours a day walking on pins & needles because some fuddy-duddy has a hard on for stopping fun, then we've entered a sad place.

Yes, Gato, they should stop. Common courtesy followed the rest of the social norms out the door when the hippes took over. It's okay to make jokes at the expense of men, conservatives, hunters, stay at home moms but one had damned well better STFU if the subject is homosexual, a working womyn or has a higher melatonin content. If one can't laugh at themself they need to look at the underlying problem.
Gonz said:
... or has a higher melatonin content.

yeah man my girlfriend always discriminates against me because i fall asleep right quick with no problems, and she's often up half the night....
Gonz said:
If one must spend, 8, 10, 12 hours a day walking on pins & needles because some fuddy-duddy has a hard on for stopping fun, then we've entered a sad place.

*predicts Gonz will be fired or sued because of his blatant lack of respect for co-workers.
2minkey said:
well aren't we sensitive?

Yes. Should I sue?

Alex said:
*predicts Gonz will be fired or sued because of his blatant lack of respect for co-workers.

Perhaps you ought to take a more in depth look at what I've written.
I read all I need to.....

If an adult can't handle racist jokes & profanity they should SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID BITCH HONKEY CUNT

United States of the Offended. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. If it's harassment, then go there. Otherwise, get over yourself you overbearing, underachieving, whiny assed peon. It's a joke/word/slang term/picture. Whatever.

If something is so unbearable....leave. There are other jobs, other schools. Chances are, given that option (which is always available) 99% of the people would learn to live with it instead of changing.

I'm not defending the asshole. I'm defending everybodies right to be an asshole.

Because you don't like what is said gives you the right to stop another from saying it?

Why does it cause conflict? Why is the complainer protected but not the joke teller? You're giving special privleges to one over another. Isn't that unfair & biased?

All I can say is......THANK GOD I DON'T WORK WITH YOU.
Alex? I think I love you *humps
I didn't want to contribute to this thread, as I am in a very bad place at the moment at work (there are several office bullies who have successfully driven several people to quitting, and I'm now looking for another job as well). Apparently because I have made a formal complaint against these bullies, I am a whiny humourless cunt? These people have broken into my office when everyone had gone home, trawled through my work and emails, looking for every little mistake simply because they don't like me. If that makes me humourless, then by god, I'd hate to see what else you think is reasonable work behaviour.
Yes, it is so sad when bullies are allowed to run amuck in a work enviornment. You'd think management would do something about it, if nothing else for fear of being sued. I feel for ya BoP, I've been there myself :hug:
Alex said:
All I can say is......THANK GOD I DON'T WORK WITH YOU.
Because you don't like what is said gives you the right to stop another from saying it?

BoP said:
These people have broken into my office when everyone had gone home, trawled through my work and emails, looking for every little mistake simply because they don't like me
Gonz said:
If it's harassment, then go there.
The problem is that people associate themselves with an ethnic group, and feel that everything said about that group is said about them, and everything said about them is said about that group. If you do that, you are trying to be stereotyped into the group and get offended.

Personally, I'm a teenager living in a mostly white, middle class suburban neighborhood. I can take jokes about teenagers in mostly white, middle class suburban neighborhoods because I don't associate myself as a member of that group. Many things that are true of that group are not true of me, and many things that are true of me are not true of that group. On the same token, I don't consider jokes about me to be jokes about teenagers in mostly white, middle class suburban neighborhoods, because I understand that I am an individual and not necessarily defined by the group.
I think the problem is that in our society now, a great many people are simply looking for something to be offended by. Honestly, I'm of Irish descent and I love to drink beer. Kind of makes me stereotypical, and a lot of Irish jokes either apply or did at one time. Like Altron points out though, I'm an individual.
Ya see,
the good old days had their good points

bullies used to get their asses kicked

Men who misbehaved towards wimens
did it with the inherent risk
that some gallant brother, father or male friend
would certainly come calling and put 'em back in line.

and if they called the Cops they might find a reason
to slap 'em too!

Oh the excessive melanin folks had to keep their heads
down and take the crap that we ghost folks have
to swallow now
Blower boi when you leave whitebred land
(the place where I spent my youth as well)

and get around them folks with too deep a tan

you too will find yourself on eternal pins and needles
self-monitoring every single word you utter

I was chatting with a ghostly friend at work
and then we got up to walk down the way
while the convo continued

I said well if you continued in that you'd become
a spook. Much to my chagrin we'd walked within earshot
of an individual with more melanin they we

I was talking about being employed with the CIA
but guess how he interpreted the comment?

Yep you'll have to watch everything you might ever say
when you are around anyone that doesn't share your
lack of melanin
chcr said:
I think the problem is that in our society now, a great many people are simply looking for something to be offended by. Honestly, I'm of Irish descent and I love to drink beer. Kind of makes me stereotypical, and a lot of Irish jokes either apply or did at one time. Like Altron points out though, I'm an individual.

yeah but irish jokes are approached with humor by just about everybody these days... because there's no inferiority (or alienation) implied, and besides, who doesn't love to drink?

defining oneself as an individual isn't hard if you are part of the cultural majority, as you are. if you look or sound different, it's a little harder... and slurs cut a lot closer to the bone.