Well-Known Member
2minkey said:if you look or sound different,
and just happen to be substandard
the slur cut a lot closer to the bone.
the truth hurts?
iffin' the shoe fits wear it
iffin' it don't
get NuShooz
2minkey said:if you look or sound different,
the slur cut a lot closer to the bone.
Of course, when I was a kid it was quite different, but typically younger people forget that anything came before. I did it when I was younger too. Back then you were a "mick" and your friend Tony was a "wop" or a "guinea." My best friend Steve was a "kike." I guess that our generation has raised a bunch of whining "nancy-boys," haven't we?2minkey said:yeah but irish jokes are approached with humor by just about everybody these days... because there's no inferiority (or alienation) implied,
Gonz said:It's okay to make jokes at the expense of men, conservatives, hunters, stay at home moms but one had damned well better STFU if the subject is homosexual, a working womyn or has a higher melatonin content. If one can't laugh at themself they need to look at the underlying problem.
Winky said:and just happen to be substandard
the truth hurts?
iffin' the shoe fits wear it
iffin' it don't
get NuShooz
paul_valaru said:who said it was right to make jokes about men, conservatives, hunters etc.
what is good for the goose is good for the gander (again we are talking about workplace)
If someone makes those kind of jokes and is asked to stop the situation should be the same
Gonz said:Difference is, those identified say so fucking what & get a beer.
Much to our friend Alexs chagrin, I don't tell these jokes & I find them either offensive, over my head (I don't keep track of many stereotypes) or simply too stupid to listen to. However, I find anyone that believes they have a right to shut me, or anyone else, up because they are uncomfrotable to be highly pompous & typically ineffectual at anything outside whining.
If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
I'll make this short and sweet. The workplace is for work. If you want to socialize, which includes off-color and/or racist jokes, then it's the teller who has caused the problem, not the person asking them to stop. Common courtesy was no longer practiced, so the institutions were forced to adopt policies that stopped practices. Don't blame the policies, and don't blame the 'victims' of the enforcement of the policies. Bottom line is, the bosses knew it was happening and, instead of stopping the ones breaking the policy, they turned a blind eye. You wouldn't feel so sure if it was you being the one who was the butt of the jokes, and you would feel even less sure if, when you complained, the boss ignored you. I know because I've been on both sides of the fence.
paul_valaru said:It's nto a kitchen, it's an office, something you can't seem to grasp.
People who let shit like this happen are just as bad as those who do it.
Just because you are not offended doesn't mean others are not.
to quote the best response to this thread
Winky said:No Grato I can't hold you responsible for many years
of under-achievement of folks that seem to have
similar melanin content, any more than I'd
think that one member of the Asian race
it responsible for the same over-achievement
of like folks
sorry you feel that way but it ain't my problem
@ all
and upon further analysis, is it really yours?
HomeLAN said:And I won't. While I can see your point that in an ideal world people sharing the same workplace would treat each other with common courtesy and respect, this is reality. It doesn't always work that way. The consequences of that, however, tend to take care of themsleves over a little bit of time, and this should not be government-enforced to the ludicrous extent that it is now.
Speaking as someone who has to enforce the rules restricting free speech in the workplace, I can tell you that I spend an inordinate amount of time making sure that we remain in a position that ensures we would at least win any lawsuit brought against us on these grounds. I also spend a hell of a lot of time that I'd prefer to spend actually working making certain that neither I nor my boss will be thrown in jail for violation of federal law also designed to ensure that, for God' sake, no one gets offended.
All this is often in direct opposition to that pesky free speech section of the bill of rights. Where, precisely, does your priority fall?
One benefit of the free market system is that employers who don't do their damndest to see that employees are treated with respect soon have no employees and wind up out of business. Thus, we would find a way (and I have done so) to ease people who cannot behave like human beings out of our employ - under reasoning unassailable by lawsuit.
That's how it should work - not with the government and full force of the legal system hanging the sword of Damacles over my neck. Not only is this unnecessary in the long run, it verges on (and sometimes flat-out is) unconstitutional.
The magic of a free-market econmy includes a free job market. If you don't like it here, you know where the door is located. If I can't keep you from using it, I'm a bad (and soon to be broke) businessman, not a fuckin' criminal.
I find anyone that believes they have a right to shut me, or anyone else, up because they are uncomfrotable to be highly pompous & typically ineffectual at anything outside whining.
alex said:I wasn't implying that Big Brother should have a sword at your neck ready to fall if one person in your company gets offended. I tell jokes at work, other people tell me jokes. I can take a joke just as well as the next person. If someone is constantly speaking in a manner that offends me, I'll politely ask them to stop. If they don't stop, I'll take it further up the chain. I don't recall anything on the employment application or having to sign any kind of waiver saying that "Assholes work here, you must accept whatever they do as a condition of your employment with this company". I do my best not to offend anyone at work, why shouldn't I expect the same? If I ever do offend anyone, I'll apologize. But when someone specifically and intentionally targets you and makes it their main purpose for coming to make your life miserable, that's over the line.
If something is so unbearable....leave.
paul_valaru said:Just because you are not offended doesn't mean others are not.
HomeLAN said:As for the situation I've outlined above, I've lived it. I'll let you guess what course of action I took.