
Butter or no butter

  • Butter on my sammiches, it's a must!

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Butter? On a sammich? GAK!

    Votes: 18 75.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Do you prefer butter/margarine/grease of any kind on your sammiches? Or would you rather have 'em butterless?
Well, it's entirely dependant on the sammich, ain't it? A jam sammich doesn't need it. Meats do.
UGH no butter/margarine!!

Mayo on meat sandwiches...nothing on PB sandwiches other than PB.
Bread? I've forgotten what it looks like... rye crispbread deffinately needs it with most things.
Gato_Solo said:
The only sandwich requiring butter is grilled cheese. Otherwise, I'm with the GAK crowd. ;)

And even then it's on the outside not the inside...
I don't think I've ever know anyone who put butter on a sandwich except a grilled cheese. I usually use Miracle Whip and sometimes (though very rarely) mustard. Unless It's a PBJ, then just PBJ.
blech. Now, that fancy mustard, that's good stuff.
George Steinbrenner in Seinfeld said:
I like
that fancy mustard. You could put that fancy mustard on a shoe and it would taste pretty good to me.
Let's see... no butter on any sammich but the grilled cheese...

Mustard on turkey sammiches, mayo on roast beast, crandberry sauce and gravy on turkey sammiches... that's how I take my sammiches...
sammiches are beautiful
sammiches are fine
i like sammiches
i eat them all the time
i eat them for my supper
and i eat them for my lunch
if i had 100 sammiches
i'd eat them all at once!
Backstory is...I can't eat a sammich (or pretty much anything else for that matter) without butter. It's too dry or somethin. Mustard without butter as a protective layer goes in the breadholes and loses half it's flavour, mayo disappears into the bread too. Bleach.

Someone told me that I'm weird. I agreed that maybe I am, but not about this. So I had to see. And I'm vindicated. I'm not in the majority, but I ain't weird!
Sammich=Bread->Butter->Mustard->Sammich stuff<-Mayo<-Butter<-Bread
PB Sammich=Bread->Butter->PB and J or bananas or whatever else if desired<-Butter<-Bread
Leslie said:
Someone told me that I'm weird. I agreed that maybe I am, but not about this. So I had to see. And I'm vindicated. I'm not in the majority, but I ain't weird!

Regardless of these poll results, I am sure we will still think of you as weird...