Sarah Palin Book Tour Launches

It's always the same with primitive people
voodoo practitioners, rain dancers and liberals.
It's always the same with primitive people
voodoo practitioners, rain dancers and liberals.


Re: Sarah Palin Book Tour pwned

Her opinion on aliens
(@ 11 mins.)

Question: Please ask sarah her position on illegal aliens and closing our southern border. thank you.

Palin: we need to close the borders. They are called illegal aliens for a reason and if they are not going to follow the rules they should not be in our country. It’s pretty simple I ratcheted that one down to the simple answer because its an easier answer than some politicians want it to make it be.

You close the borders. You get more aggressive about cracking down on the illegal aliens and we take it serious what our border patrol officers are trying to do
Bristol cashes in as well.

Tax documents show unwed mother Bristol Palin
earned more than $262,000 for her role helping raise
awareness for teen pregnancy prevention in 2009.
jerry springer was a money maker too. and dog the bounty hunter. i'd say sarah's just a hair sharper than dog, though.
Yeah, intellect doesn't seem to have much to do with making money in certain 'industries'.

I've got my own views about Sarah's intellect, but I'll just hold on to them
for my personal type figuring.
Oh, shit.....the inflatable ballsack!

I could have happily gone the rest of my life without being reminded of that again!!
