Sarah Palin Book Tour Launches

Sarah takin' it (to the bank) for the team.

and it matters not one wit as the
big fat checks cash just the same

Hmmm What is next for our little right wing poster child?

I'm sure it entails making even more bank
both political and monetary!

Sure as hell beats being Governor of Alaska now don’t it?

Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm

Have we found out who ghosted the bogroll yet?

Obama can out-gaffe Palin any day of the week

The Palin haters have now seized on an apparent mis-attribution in Sarah Palin's memoir Going Rogue in their never-ending, nit-picking campaign to discredit her. Such attempts are worthy of Wyle E. Coyote, the hapless cartoon critter who never manages to put the little road runner out of commission.

In the book, the former Alaska governor attributes a quote to UCLA basketball coaching legend John Wooden which actually comes from Native American activist John Wooden Legs:

"Our land is everything to us...I will tell you one of the things we remember on our land. We remember our grandfathers paid for it -- with their lives."

From the nutroots blogs to The Sporting News, Sarah Palin is now being slammed for getting the two surnames, which are similar, mixed up. This is very strange, considering that they had at first claimed that Sarah Palin had not actually written the book herself. But that's the left for you...

What if she had said at a news conference in France, no less, that "Austrian" is a language? that would have been a major screw-up, and she would have been the laughing stock of Europe.

Or if she had bowed (or curtsied) to the Emperor of Japan when protocol called for a simple handshake? She would have been the laughing stock of Asia.

Or if she had, in exchange for two thoughtful gifts of historical significance from the British Prime Minister, presented him with some silly movies on 25 DVDS, all which are encoded in a format which is incompatible with DVD playback machines in the UK? She would have been a laughing stock in the British Isles.

Or if she had introduced the Mexican ambassador to a group of mostly Hispanic guests at the White House, and then, before the diplomat could get to the podium to speak, she had gone into the crowd and started shaking hands? What if she had referred to a Cinco de Mayo celebration as "Cinco de Cuatro?" She would have been the laughing stock of Latin America.

What if, in front of a worldwide audience on The Tonight Show, she had described her bowling ability as, "It's like — it was like Special Olympics, or something"? We don't think a lot of folks would have laughed. It would have been too much.

Yet Barack Obama, the god of the radical Left, did all of these things, embarrassing himself and his country in front of the rest of the world. Yet that same radical left seizes on the mis-attribution of a Sarah Palin quote and ignores Obama's international screw-ups. We were going to say that these Leftists have no sense of proportion, but we'll just leave it at, "they have no sense" and call it a day.
Sarah is your Momma!

She is the former Governor of Alaska
That man-child is embarrassing the greatest nation on earth.
Let em keep taking potshots at Sarah she will be fine.
Our country under Hussein’s leadership, not so much.
She's a quitter who's riding the coat-tails of her own infamy to sell books.
Next, she'll appear on Geraldo and whip a few chairs around...if it sells books, so be it.
Sarah Palin Media Phenom

observer effect refers to changes that the act of observation
will make on the phenomenon being observed
As Palin has explained while on her book tour, the comments she made in her campaign interviews were under the close scrutiny of McCain's people. She was somewhat surprised at the level of hostility and criticism seeping from the mouths of so-called journalistic professionals, and limited in what she could say at these interviews, and in front of the public, hence the title of her book "Going Rogue." Don't doubt for one second that the Couric and Gibson interviews weren't edited to show her in a bad light.

Of course, it is easier to belittle her than to accept her explanation. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, obama gets a pass from the left when he says "uh" after every other word that comes out of his mouth, relies on ToTUS for speeches, gives non-specific answers to specific questions, claims there are 57 states, lies about his uncle liberating Auschwitz, criticizes the US when on foreign shores, doesn't put his hand over his heart for our Anthem but takes a subservient posture when meeting with Saudi kings and Japanese emperors, pals around with racists and unrepentant radical homegrown terrorists who admitted to have bombed American buildings in the ' I forgetting anything? I know there's more.

Strange how an Alaskan blogger, a stay at home mother of 5 is held to a higher standard than the person the left put into the WH. I would love to hear an explanation some day of why that is.
Pay up

Depending, of course, on which recent set of numbers you peruse and how the questions are phrased on approval or favorable, 307 days into his allotted 1,461 the 44th president's approval rating among Americans has slid to 49% or 48%, showing no popularity bounce from his many happy trips, foreign and domestic.

Riding the wave of immense publicity and symbiotic media interest over her new book, "Going Rogue," and the accompanying promotional tour, Palin's favorable ratings are now at 43%, according to ABC. That's up from 40% in July.

LA Times
Sarah Palin smart like a Fox!

"Alaskan blogger, stay at home mom"
And soon to be millionare.