Sarah Palin's "Going Rogue" Release 11-17

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No that's actually what they voted for in a landslide.
Voters regret is thicker than ever everywhere. What we're getting is not the change most expected. Its only the progressive liberal commies are still wetting the bed over the Obamanation.
Nah, there wasn't much regret there. Bush on the other hand...

It certainly is a scary time for real Americans. I'm glad Obama won! I'm fairly certain, despite his best efforts, Obama will fail at fucking-up our great nation.

Thanks to Obama many who have been fooled over time are rediscovering their patriotism and leaning to the right now. The silent majority is tired of the whimpy-liberal-leftist-bawwfest and are waking up stronger than ever, ready to look at the truth.

Sissy-lala's have shown their yellow underbelly, soft and exposed. Even my mother-in-law turned in her life-long democrat card and is now reading and admiring the man, Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Stand back son, you might get hurt.
Thanks to Obama many who have been fooled over time are rediscovering their patriotism and leaning to the right now.

Damn, once again you're caught making up shit and then posting it as if it's actually true.

Sorry to throw facts in when you clearly prefer make believe but the republican party has been shrinking fast as real patriots wake up and are leaning to the left.


Whoops ;)
What are you talking about? It doesn't say anything similar to that.

Map Posted: 01/29/09
--- how much could he fuck-up in 9 days? (a lot)

Then think about how much your team has fucked in the last 9-months.

please try to keep up with dynamic of the situation. Voters remorse if a heavy right now!

Map Posted: 01/29/09
--- how much could he fuck-up in 9 days? (a lot)

Then think about how much your team has fucked in the last 9-months.

please try to keep up with dynamic of the situation. Voters remorse if a heavy right now!

Here's April

Got anything indicating they've grown since then? I mean besides your wishful thinking.

Here's April

Got anything indicating they've grown since then? I mean besides your wishful thinking.

Yeah, we like to call it reality. I'll take it a step further, while it may be true that the GOP maybe shrinking. But the fact is the tide is towards conservative posture and away from the socialist model you would like to see become a reality.

Normal people, including many democrats, are running away from the progressive liberal ideals that have hi-jacked their party -- like Jews from suicide bomber.

All you have to do is talk to people that aren't from some garbage-hole blue-mecca.
Normal people, including many democrats, are running away from the progressive liberal ideals that have hi-jacked their party -- like Jews from suicide bomber.

No actually their running towards liberal ideals and away from conservatives.


You have to look at facts and not just act like your wishful thinking is in any way real. You have nothing at all to back up the crap you make up.
Oh wishful thinking is so cute. I like how everyone is running to the Democratic party but you think they're going more conservative. That was funny.
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